as what I replied, there is no lock when I bought it. I don't clearly know what the difference between self unlocked and the factory unlocked. 8 M4 C/ K8 ^/ `" e+ w- S- ?. T
seanwl2003 发表于 2015-5-22 13:09+ b+ T5 R' }4 E. N) D5 k& N
as what I replied, there is no lock when I bought it. I don't clearly know what the difference betwe ...
+ u# z3 q+ c5 i9 {# Z5 f on your kijiji ads, you said you have unlocked the phone that should mean that the phone originally locked to a company afterwards you unlocked it. If it is original factory unlocked, then you would better change your kijiji ads wording to factory unlocked. it is better for sale.