鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
离学校近,在Franklin building旁边,; P# ^+ N; P. z1 t \' `
离地铁近,) @. k6 h- r& j0 G( U7 k
含车位费(地下暖庫),( j( o* ~6 D2 _1 J) l: t
/ u/ r) A. K- O$ {) J* u含水电暖费用,
4 {! v1 u2 Y* [ N1 v% F1 r有独立洗衣机,烘干机。
3 i/ F$ ]3 p% P x; i, R/ S
' T, N( S: Q2 n# c房间在十层楼,落地窗,宽敞明亮,downtown view
7 @& k) M/ C9 Z) Q楼里以退休老教授,professional家庭为主,非常安静干净,适合学习与休息。
7 b7 |2 _% d+ [2 K0 u虽然离学校很近但是并不是以出租为主的楼,所以并不会像garneau一样比较乱。
* d/ L1 `4 `0 D) w6 L2 Q& j
, r; s* {8 c$ t位置及图片
- }8 W: ]: R: a. J6 j- H( t- J请进网易相册:
n: }- T1 x8 R3 ~http://photo.163.com/shangyedavid@gmail.com/#m=0&p=1% O6 j+ A7 K6 d( Q
9 v% h: ~8 n0 e# m' g; f' n简单介绍:
7 c. F' i( e5 y2 M7 G1086 ft2 (100 m2) spacious# V5 O( l. i- F$ W9 A! { {
Very nice for couple living
) X* j. f+ m0 dUnderground heated parking
0 p/ O$ P \& H9 J7 b, L2 y' R. EVery quiet living environment
6 l- i9 S" c: A" l/ [3 UAir conditioning
- C" Z6 X ?6 s( Q1 Z/ rPrivate laundry and drying machine8 q: K7 L6 P- G N
Utilities included- w: j8 F$ i0 _- J
Spectacular view of downtown f! `: q1 ?3 X
No pets are allowed, never happened in Garneau+ t9 L( E- A: P# e( B
Almost all occupied by UA retired professionals and hospital staffs9 j& G' u" {+ ~) f( o
Furniture included
. C. A" \+ `, D7 ?' X Coach, Bed, TV, tables, bookshelf, vacuum, etc…
- I* A# v' S, H0 wLaw and fine art buildings just across the street.
8 n- E0 {3 }" B7 Q2 Z. ]6 kWithin one minute you can reach a convenient store
' e4 ^2 R) y) j( X4 XWithin ten minutes you can walk to: ! D3 P$ {0 C. t6 I6 y' O' o: b# ~
- the hospital of U of A,
" k7 i: t9 a" b# {7 X - many nice restaurants for your weekend dining;
% _: B% |; {6 m9 ^3 |1 ~ - LRT university station and other major bus routes
- _+ x: S- U) `8 ~ - Safeway where you can buy grocery8 S y6 @! _0 @
* N9 v9 ]! T' w) H& {7 Y价格: $1650每月. a @& c3 C' F4 b
# X q( H' k) E% c4 {1 Y6 l6月17日后可以入住2 [& }! T$ \: \) O# G5 w, S
一年lease( ?( N1 I9 ~) w7 N
有意者电联 780-729-9427 (David)
& u7 x$ B5 {4 ]8 a7 ?2 R9 R, r或邮箱联系:shangyedavid@gmail.com |