prossional services that are offordable, using the finest spa products. Have more than 5Yrs experience working at spa in Ontario.Offering facial and chinese massage. 8 Q2 |( g1 P* x; ]' q: ` Basic facial 60mins $55 " d- V/ n$ ?( {8 N: L0 Q
Advance facial 90mins $75 - m, b7 A ?' K
Chinese foot massage 60mins $75 6 ?9 D8 {7 g9 L, uDeep tissue massage 60mins $854 O) Z' _. @! i% V: Y& L9 q3 X
Is the massage covered by insurance offered by most oil sands companies or public sectors? + z: c, U; h; x+ e. \6 N& z3 C; I5 D: C . r0 c! U4 l7 B% x! M- @: M5 u, O2 Q, z: Yif yes, many people including me will be interested.