刚买不久的二手房(09年建的),老外装的油烟机只有210CFM。完全没什么效果。, P) F1 ~" _" d' A& a3 S9 }
想换个大的油烟机,比如说樱花,太平洋什么的,油烟机大风量(超过500CFM)有什么影响?那位有实际经验的房主指教一下?% F9 a8 Z0 i. C O2 I v, G
那个牌子比较好?现在屯子还有包安装的吗?0 Y8 X- d7 v* E
太平洋 is not bad, and the installation should not be hard in new house because they have everything set up right (I assume). As long as you have the right size of the duct to vent it out, you are good to go.