鲜花( 2)  鸡蛋( 0)
anthony1234 发表于 2014-5-10 22:05 
/ j* n* J& ]$ k: u7 U& g1 ~+ _要等3个月后要办手续才可以提。请指点 % s) U5 W4 Z- W
就是存入的RRSP必须在账户里待够90天or more,才可以算qualify Home buyer's plan的rrsp提出来. , F& a! P: @0 {, I% K& y, p1 C! O* w4 O
8 d/ `: V/ f0 Z+ f( k“Your RRSP contributions must remain in the RRSP for at least 90 days before you can withdraw them under the HBP, or the contributions may not be deductible for any year.”
; P# ~- M2 C; n& s# K
, ]6 {; }' P4 n. X+ W还有就是withdrawl这部分钱的时候,deadline交房之后30天内,如果交房超过30天了,也不能qualify HBP. 6 p) D$ y# |- p4 O1 r
“ Neither you nor your spouse or common-law partner or the related person with a disability that you buy or build the qualifying home for can own the qualifying home more than 30 days before the withdrawal is made. ” |