鲜花( 16)  鸡蛋( 2)
本帖最后由 crrllong 于 2014-5-5 17:23 编辑
" k# R! d: b% V4 B
2 |/ L# y- c, p# U下面的是我住温哥华岛的时候房东给我的一些旅游信息,拿出来和大家分享一下:
/ [9 X, e: w8 Z5 W% |1 L `) ^" y) y- O; q) \7 ]
5 t2 z" n' t- h8 _3 O% c
一 温哥华岛概况 http://www.vancouverisland.com/1 k, C4 e; A9 {$ n( b; m/ \
9 Q# Z& O0 C, c" Z% e 温哥华和阳光海岸,GULF 群岛一起一般分为7大部分
# {3 Z2 A5 I( W5 a 温哥华岛本身一般分为五大部份 : 大VICTORIA ,岛南,岛中,岛北,西岸
0 w$ a8 @, u9 k: x9 o5 d4 N1 G0 g8 }& t8 P
4 T9 Q4 r) O( \8 Q* R' ~( R二.岛上公园很多:
/ p9 f1 K5 X5 W" }# g6 l& a# w3 s: P( y/ W0 j
1.Pacific Rim National Park, Pacific Rim 在西岸/ F2 d0 d6 E+ p" ~
& ]9 [ `5 K. v' F& y2.Goldstream Provincial Park, Victoria 在VICTORIQ 到NANAIMO 的途中) z- w% o% s# d9 D
0 A4 o1 n4 R0 z8 X6 M5 A3.Carmanah Walbran Provincial Park, South Island' }7 \3 o- T4 ^1 Z* c9 s+ k! Y
1 g# g- M1 {4 e0 a
4.Strathcona Provincial Park, Central Island
, r ~8 M# K3 a4 F
8 A2 X5 |4 b0 Q5 e5.MacMillan Park, Central Island 在岛中到西岸的途中- O6 R2 [- t& A( c3 H4 ^: W+ B
! S! \6 M5 E+ g- k
6.Miracle Beach Provincial Park, Central Island) F4 T( K% o! y2 l3 h
Few family holiday destinations can rival Miracle Beach's broad sandy beaches, spacious campsites and nature programs for the whole family.
P+ s7 p9 F+ P; t' E7 z# X K7.East Sooke Regional Park, South Island
, s, H Q5 O+ o5 X* c/ ^# B$ lPerhaps the best hiking on Vancouver Island - East Sooke's Coast Trail is considered to be one of the premier day hikes in Canada.
6 U1 ]4 c- V4 ]. o8 s \8.Desolation Sound Provincial Park, BC Coast2 T1 |- n! V8 A; y; C* `/ ~: j$ k
The most beautiful cruising ground in BC, and one of the premier sailing playgrounds in the world - warm waters, a mild climate and rich sea life.# s& f+ F: ]7 m
9.Beaumont Marine Provincial Park South, Pender Island
& s$ e4 O+ t5 Q) G9 a1 u, ~Tucked along the shore of picturesque Bedwell Harbour, Beaumont is the most popular marine park in the Gulf Islands, with a beautiful sandy beach.3 A- Z! [4 K. J! Y
10.Porpoise Bay Provincial Park, Sunshine Coast" Q+ I6 r# I1 {$ m; a* C; M
A forested park with hiking trails, sandy beaches, spawning salmon streams and one of the top 20
* z' ]+ A' P+ ]. U
/ {2 G: R( V' S# C- P% e3 y [5 F. o3 V三.按同方向安排日程:( 这是一般的日程,您可根据您的具体情况做选择安排)9 j+ @2 b# c& ]) ?. b) f8 y
+ [6 r$ e- V: y1 x9 h o 1. Pacific Rim National Park, Pacific Rim& ?' e' Z/ U5 R
) ]+ d6 z( p& m
' N. W6 c1 ]; J+ E3 u' t7 V. [) d
一般是看TOFINO 小镇和Long beach ,
& a" n* E1 Q$ h9 P# P
7 _3 y/ {2 W- A# M3 O( A7 d 2.沿途可看大家常说的古树公园:MacMillan Park, Central Island
# e% n% _) ]: r8 W) B, H http://www.vancouverisland.com/parks/?id=286
& H7 W j' _; b, s; L* pLong beach可谓岛上著名景点.有些类似到北京看长城的意思, 从我家出发开车单程需要3个多小时,一般都是早上去晚上回,但您带着孩子可能会有些累;! H2 }* g% S' X7 r5 a. i: o, K! j; {
5 e. [( f+ i$ V1 a
& [( ?$ n6 F, l3 `. H. l7 B
2.Qualicum beath可以在低潮时挖象拔蚌,要有大半天的时间;* Q6 n q& `+ B) p9 i j
如果不挖象拔蚌,时间会有富余,可安排下面2,.OR 4.5,6项活动。
- W4 j l5 Y" ?- W0 n5 C4 t3 h$ S. T' S9 I$ n5 E
3. Coombs 是一小镇,因羊在屋顶而出名,
% h. n) @' c9 ^2 u- D E& Y# e& n% O$ Y' G
http://www.vancouverisland.com/Regions/towns/?townID=49- _, F7 @! U! f
Goats on the Roof of the Coombs Market是特色一景,具体可看网站:3 {7 k. \9 {# W1 a
http://www.oldcountrymarket.com/# B( d2 {2 w# k
" X5 ?# o3 z+ r5 z4 K }6 ^
; f* B* {4 e# V! u9 @# U1 S$ ` NANAIMO 1天
3 A5 q7 k& o0 d2 k1 w% yNANAIMO 有许多可玩可看,上册的公园就有80多个。6 h3 @+ t1 S4 ]: e4 C8 @# e
+ L1 i- y; ^7 ` d1. Maffeo-Sutton/Swy-a-Lana Lagoon Park
: M# B, i. v' p G9 e ]1 W7 L* G; o3 C
公园内修有栈桥可钓螃蟹/ 鱼;有儿童游乐场,比较适合您带孩子.
' |- L. p( k0 F0 P$ h地址:Address: 50 Arena Street,. y& E2 A0 k' R8 v) T+ i/ P
9 k L& w' W+ d I$ s
6 a1 s2 |. j: u8 ]! O+ F# D 岛南/大VICTORIA 一天( l' n+ B0 F$ l
5 X( y5 ^# U1 o& a4 H( j 沿途可看:Goldstream Provincial Park, Victoria t5 i; u- C1 d/ U9 c+ W; G
壁画镇 http://www.chemainus.com/arts/index.htm
6 h2 V) e/ J2 P4 X! S. R 图腾城DANCAN:http://www.vancouverisland.com/Regions/towns/?townID=35/ L5 C% e3 k9 a' K7 [, S
$ V/ I' z) p, n0 b0 d2 b9 x+ U! s" N, e: R. Z6 u/ ?
; ~: i7 {7 S! X2 J9 K 可在网上,也在Walmat OR Canadian tire店内办。 儿童免费。9 r) [7 f0 a* N# S8 b
+ n4 {/ I x5 u/ w7 `; N7 g V Pacific Tidal Waters Licence Fees
" E0 c8 U+ f+ ^ iThe Canadian Resident, Non-Canadian Resident Licence and Licence Stamp Fees are below. - t3 D. d' G, U: `4 V% `
1 Day Pacific Licence for Canadian Residents$5.88
0 {9 @1 u2 S, ~8 r" M! {8 ^
8 z( b4 [- h3 k6 B0 K六,关于潮期:http://www.islandnet.com/~mjackson/bctides/ Z: z" M; O1 U4 y6 L/ d0 s& E) H- w
5 `8 t! u! Y: i' R 你在这几天潮期很好,象跋蚌,生蚝,嘎啦都可以- k! Y3 R! }" R1 _% j9 Q) x
* Z: r0 r7 s# t
% U8 `# e$ }7 S4 }1.数量和尺寸限制;http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm- ... eaucoquille-eng.htm2 [3 b7 r7 r9 E1 {, N; x
2.ShellfishContamination许多区域会临时关闭,所以要格外留意贝壳类的临时关闭通知,另外各个公园都有各自的管理规定,一般圆内不可以。http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm- ... -secteur-17-eng.htm
. ~, n9 j u5 I- y* f# Q 2 T U# q+ s8 M+ S: i0 B% p
八.关于轮渡:7 _/ N% `! g' B! S
; {# x0 R5 Z$ O x5 k2 p- N: \$ h/ j
~( A2 O/ c' f% F5 h3 [
0 e: [: E( E. {' O0 f |
鲜花鸡蛋redrunner 在2014-7-17 18:25 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下