第六天 * R y5 M( w# Q& j去了snorkeling,费用是一人36比索,包括交通和装备。中间去了一个景点,一个大水潭,说是最深的地方是20多米,最浅的不到1米。1 }% O' ^# o" V0 x
回来之后,继续去海滩。学会在海里捡贝壳了。5 V g: {# n( {3 C+ N8 E d2 v
7 N' l% d4 E' D V8 ~+ U3 l第七天$ x6 M2 I, X0 |8 q* X
下午5点的飞机,2点被picked up。托运,入关,在机场晃荡。4点多的时候被告知飞机晚点一天,要第二天的10点才能起飞。好开心的被送去了一间五星级酒店。 / W5 ~5 m2 d2 q5 L; @+ U* k) X, N
第八天 7 i/ B3 ^* I% s" F( O早上起了大早看日出,却发现太阳从另外一边升起来了。继续捡贝壳。捡了好多好多。; N6 ^& G0 ~! [; |0 f8 v% L
6 D, F: O* z: Z- E7 ~" N7 {* J8 h
入关前飞机上发的入关单是两栏的,入关收一栏,出关也要一栏。另外在出关之前,游玩的最后一天要留25比索一人。$ B H8 }' \" j
推荐逛岛入口处的小市场。淘了几件工艺品,挺好玩。 ; H3 P% c& V8 e* y 2 o8 v! E7 k, ^1 J4 {--------THE END---------
luluqiqi 发表于 2014-1-8 21:25 \, c' R: k5 c/ ^, p) i
你们去的古巴什么地方啊? . ] ?4 V3 k5 d! d5 |) {& c3 Q, b" l: k9 U( R: Q4 w5 E
' ~! A) s* v* [
Varodaro - V( _: u3 A/ x) R" S. x* _Three and half , o9 K, F% ?" h3 q9 i, m' [/ F
, D9 B% h; C7 O0 b# k9 }3 t
It is not bad and super convenient in my opinion. The hotel's name is ROC BARLOVENTO. You can check the conditions and feedback descriptions online.
0 Y, c2 p; J8 y
not sure about the expense on Havana for a week. It depends on. I spent most of my time in Varodaro. 0 \8 ]' e6 E# \# w+ U. m4 Z6 q, \4 ^, ~. z$ u* i- |' C
The average accommodation fee is around 30 per night in Havana. The price is not for hotels but rooms offered by local residents. You may need 50 per day if you want to look around. Then you need transportation fee, food and tickets. If you can contact some Chinese student in Cuba, you may gain more interesting experiences and little money on food and tickets. However, you have to pay at least 50 for the guide fee. You can negotiate the price with them. 9 ~3 k: h: o8 u7 P - Q) N( w8 J$ K/ P8 _Good luck