鲜花( 53)  鸡蛋( 0)
Provide documents requested on the checklist of CEC. See the link below:
+ i: o X }: }http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5610E.pdf0 ?5 M$ V0 R2 |$ I6 g7 T
4 p8 I. J% Q! |4 [/ G" j
Basically, copies of the following are required:, u6 _( c X' q$ O+ ~( C! W
1.Passport Biopage;& q6 L6 Z- }- {) n W% H
2.Current work permit;
6 {1 ^- n" N `6 v$ x2 ~; R3. IELTS or CELPIP test results;
3 o5 X3 R* _7 U' N5 e5 c4. Reference letter /employment letter;
# u0 h. \ K9 j4 @/ G5 I6 ?5. Employment contract and pay stubs for the last 12 months (additional);$ e5 v! |2 {/ y# c# O
6. Birth certificate (from China);/ u, ~6 I* ~% I# ]/ N- J, ]# i4 o
7. ORIGINAL Police Certificate;
5 }( c1 x! K' M# u) I8. 6 photos (5 must be blank at the back, no stamp. 1 with your name, DOB, date taken written at the back.) |