鲜花( 8)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 animallover 于 2013-8-26 00:18 编辑 $ ?2 l" J% h. a* s
4 L, W3 z! [' b4 v4 s
Twin Brooks was named to reflect its geographic location between two creeks (Blackmud and Whitemud Creek), therefore has the longest ravine trails among these three communities (Twin Brooks, Blackmud Creek, Bearspaw). The first man made storm lake in town is also the most beautiful one. Public elementary school inside the community is ranked among the top schools in Edmonton and residence inside Twin Brooks is the school admission requirement. School park is double spaced as it's originally designed to fit two elementary schools (one public, one catholic). Has more expensive houses compared to another two communities.
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Blackmud Creek community is the newest among the three, but is the only one that doesn't have a school inside the community. Housing price used to be undervalued, but now it's pretty competitive, no much space to increase-- my personal feeling, though. It has park, lake, ravine as well, a very nice neighborhood.
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, m9 R2 _: @8 r. |5 D- D/ B+ DBearspaw is the oldest of the three, also has ravine, lake, park, and school. Not many high end houses inside the community. |