鲜花( 8)  鸡蛋( 0)
Scottl 发表于 2013-8-24 11:37 
9 L9 @4 {) d# z2 {% i; ~1 u% V( I实在是这次开了口子,再在其他类似的小区盖就是水到渠成的事了,到时恐怕连抗争的力气都没有了。
: U$ C+ n! z; f0 D: w( ?# p
3 X7 B. ~5 C# z, j2 s3 `' i# r+ ]其实 ...
4 o: [: c) b* G( M2 N4 W"在新警察局附近盖同样另一座建筑估计在考虑中"---0 t* w, v7 d" Z7 ^) S9 f
z0 v- o0 c: ZA new Superstore right by the new Police Station (located at the southwest corner of intersection of Terwillegar Drive and Windermere Blvd) will be open this November for sure as there's a big yellow sign posted by the Terwillegar Drive and Windermere Blvd that is hiring all the positions in all the department. 3 G: t; k2 I( Y" j- P& C' _
, B7 E( i" I ^, N& i, ]( ^It looks like no extra land/space left for another condo to be built in between the Superstore and Police Station. But I trust that you must receive the condo information from some reliable sources. May I please ask where is this new potential condo going to be? I'm living in this area and really concerned any surrounding future constructions, good and/or bad.( g; w# h5 D& X$ [, ~5 u" e) j$ C
A& q. t- R! y. @, y
Thank you very much! |