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楼主 |
发表于 2013-6-16 11:49
qingjf 发表于 2013-6-16 12:44 
) _; Q$ O/ Z' t. Z. kis there any chance I can use the old visa as student visa, or I must re apply a new one with work p ... 2 d7 Y, G% q6 n3 v3 B6 r4 ?/ ~
I worried about the strike, probably will delay the process, I want to go back to china end of next month~ do you know the process time of visa these days, please let me know, I will appreciate it , y; {6 y1 X2 |( }, G( t) O
. ~( `- H9 {( f/ z% a! G2 w! t- z补充内容 (2013-6-16 20:16): Y" u( r0 |" j, `7 @
小签是出入境使用,且在你的大签是合法的有效期内的就可以,所以不受你身份转换后的影响,可以安心使?? |