鲜花( 31)  鸡蛋( 0)
- \8 x$ p4 n3 Q, N! ]6 z9 |最新消息:很多投资Leduc Bellavera condos的人,要么交房租,要么离开,因为他们失去了所有权。
+ |' E! j4 X/ O* _/ Ohttp://www.edmontonjournal.com/touch/story.html?id=8432891
! K8 F0 f k7 q3 z0 c5 [其中这样写到:With Bellavera, he (lawyer) was entrusted to give buyers clear titles and to pay off Frederick’s creditors. That never happened.
3 z+ S0 ]# n# |/ p# Z5 eLeslie Meiklejohn, the lawyer Frederick hired to process condo sales.
' Y- C2 f7 t8 d, a* f' M0 q4 [8 m5 X% E. b
我认为投资者失败的主要原因是雇' i3 t5 x. q, x( q; ?' h% p
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, v' x. `3 [* t: _* W1 S
$ D7 R2 M4 K7 M" \& ~# O0 \+ x! T/ W/ ]+ p
4 K* b0 [1 h& S" ~7 { |