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: Z: F* v* [4 v2 f. W4 }小黄 发表于 2013-5-14 07:38 
8 Q& W. m( \3 [% t7 ^, |) q/ J+ _& j, j( _1)听起来你不懂建材。什么是"合成板"? 建筑板子主要有 plywood, osb 两种。其甲醛含量比橱柜和家具的 pa ...
& y; s: ]3 R5 G; f" {" [9 X; k) ?5 \$ ?
跟黄老师学习下:请问,这些大量使用的plywood, osb板材中的Glue, Resin, Wax中化工成分?化工成分肯定复杂,那么有害的hazardous components的含量就是关键,impurities for sure can be hazardous。肯定比不上实木的因为实木不大量使用这些东东。正因为这个原因,现在国内的房子,若是合成压缩的木地板,出租都不如实木好租。实木不能建房子,但是混凝土可以。6 s5 l5 a/ X7 O5 [
+ m7 F4 ~( l, Y建筑房子方面,肯定向你请教学习,但是化工知识,也许不会比你差。家具厨具可以买实木的也就是不用含大量Resin, Glue的产品。木头房子就只能使用含大量化学成分的resin, glue的plywood, osb 。 That's my point.
2 ^' j. @# O, ~3 o! b$ p* d8 r
* }3 s, t& J( {2 m在国内可以进行简单的装修,所有家具橱柜地板都可以采用全木头结构,不使用任何人造合成板材,不使用塑料材质,这是很容易做到的。总之,若是你了解了化工产品生产和可能的成分,环保装修并不困难的。
* h! |1 L8 n) }& f1 A+ t6 F
9 v9 n0 O0 G; h4 s& o" A7 TPlywoodFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
, W# G# j8 k5 R# A' J9 X
: d% A& G2 q6 e' k- `0 Q$ G( |, _Softwood plywood made from spruce。Plywood is a manufactured wood panel made from thin sheets of wood veneer. It is one of the most widely used wood products. It is flexible, inexpensive, workable, and re-usable, and usually can be manufactured locally. Plywood is used instead of plain wood because of plywood's resistance to cracking, shrinkage, splitting, and twisting/warping, and because of its generally high strength.- ^$ U! y% o* v4 l
: X# m9 V5 V' LPlywood layers (called veneers) are glued together, with adjacent plies having their wood grain at right angles to each other, to form a composite material. ! r# ^# B H4 E$ M
1 ^: R+ a- n7 F。。。。
, ~8 ~) U4 Z: u6 ~; x: wOriented strand board is manufactured in wide mats from cross-oriented layers of thin, rectangular wooden strips compressed and bonded together with wax and synthetic resin adhesives (95% wood, 5% wax and resin[citation needed]).
' v, h! m3 p3 r2 }+ n; {0 G, y9 J- P7 l+ J0 S4 A
5 n" l& M1 n; K) M; T9 B
0 N0 X- d9 j. u4 \3 k- Y# N1 bThe wood species used in OSB manufacture include both softwoods (spruce, pine) and some hardwood. Wood strands are cut tangentially from debarked logs which are held longitudinally against rotating knives. The ribbon of strands produced is usually about 75 mm wide and this breaks up on handling to produce individual strands which are typically 100 mm along the grain and from 5 to 50 mm across the grain. / z. j8 g( [6 a+ f
' O% T; a- v' x* c! m
, h! o2 c& L: t1 ?7 J! ` h5 r/ mAfter drying, these strands are sprayed with a synthetic resin binder. The resin types typically used include Phenol formaldehyde (PF) 酚醛树脂, melamine fortified Urea Formaldehyde (MUF) 三聚氰胺脲醛树脂or isocyanate (PMDI)异氰酸盐树脂, all of which are moisture resistant binders. In Europe, it is common to use a combination of binders, typically PMDI would be used in the core and MUF in the face layers and this has the advantage of reducing press cycles whilst imparting a bright appearance to the surface of the panel.
, I. y# |! z) c& \' N% m% x
' H. h y: W6 a, W4 e. D; [4 Fformaldehyde甲醛: f. J& I( v0 O
( s; E% d/ Z/ R" `4 w- {0 s关于MUF的论文:
+ _8 O; e8 ?/ }3 V' \- HABSTRACT
}/ Y5 t" x0 S7 Q o2 AMelamine can be incorporated in the synthesis of urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins to improve performwww.lw20.comance in particleboards (PB), mostly in terms of hydrolysis resistance and formaldehyde emission.
; b, W0 s/ Q" x 知来论文 www.lw20.com三聚氰胺可掺入合成的脲 - 甲醛(UF)树脂,以提高性能的刨花板(PB),主要是在耐水解性方面,甲醛释放量。 知来论文 www.lw20.com
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