埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-4-4 11:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
蒙特利尔银行(Bank of Montreal, BMO,以下简称“满银”)金融集团和房产业者等,今年1月中旬在多伦多参加了2013年首次满银房市委员会会议,与会者谈论过去一年房市境况和提出了对今后12个月加拿大房市的展望。5 j! U3 a" b! j- |/ R$ @. x

, g, g- `) |4 e/ j  k 在多伦多举行的首次满银房市委员会的讨论会,是满银在2013年整年系列会议的开端,今后陆续有全国性和地区性的满银关于加拿大房市境况和最新趋势的会议。. \  O6 d: }) p+ `4 Z, r; w8 z  H

2 P& K1 b+ @0 b4 I8 D9 G$ w, r满银资深经济学家桂迭利(Sal Guatieri)指出,加拿大房市经过了十年的畅旺之后,多数地区似乎进入所谓的软着陆,此趋势有望在2013年继续。
( v1 g! ?7 N0 r9 A) ? & K+ s/ \7 n1 `" w, B: [
1 S' N/ n; Z* g5 I7 I5 C
1 I6 U! U9 v: V0 |' l他补充说,房产市场将继续从房贷低利率政策中获益,加拿大央行很可能再维持目前低利率另一年时间,而美联储的货币量化宽鬆政策也继续有利于保持长期房贷低利率。
; G9 f) F' Q+ O' K $ o+ B( k5 Z+ W
不过,桂迭利又指出,以卡加利为代表的亚省和沙省房市可能与全国房市走向唱反调,因为这些地区的健康经济成长和薪资上涨,其房价会不降反升。与此同时,房价高企的多伦多和温哥华房市走势将较全国多数地区要经受较困难的着陆,这两地的房价会出现略微下降。, g$ x2 Z$ r7 L
) z9 ?9 {1 ]4 _
RE/MAX房产经纪公司金牌经纪乔利尼(Conrad Zurini)说,卡加利、多伦多、满地可等大城市的住房可承受能力(affordability)现在是个问题,这些地区的首次购房者在2013年上半年都可能避免入市。7 _& H. P% n' ?, K2 G

( g/ ?! m$ O1 g乔利尼补充说,鑑于房贷低利率,打算升级住房的人士将继续是房市的主体,「这些消费者较关心便利生活设施和生活方式,他们已经有了坚实经济基础。」# k0 d* o* |$ s# _

! |0 N6 v- r. n1 T$ h乔利尼认为,首购族有可能会转向以上大城市之外的地区寻找性价比较佳的住房。他说:「这些买家随机会同行,他们跟随就业走,寻找自己理想的住房,独栋房屋最终将成为他们的首选。」「2013年,消费者将继续关注自己购房决定中的投资效益。」# x2 c1 x1 C6 V' c! u. e, U, m/ _
8 o9 h! c3 @7 z; ~- f7 B
至于房贷和融资方面,满银房贷专家腾纳(John Turner)列出了购房者在申请房贷过程中需要知晓的一些要素。# k- e4 g6 a4 [+ W

0 g1 H% g8 U: x9 z  T5 q8 ~% p: F腾纳说:「房贷审批前的预先批准(pre-approval)继续是整个购房程序中重要的一个环节,无论你是首购族、还是升级住房的购房者,这个道理都适用。」「一般来说,多数人士都要借贷大部分资金购买自己的住房,因此甚至在找寻之前就获取房贷预先批准,照样是非常明智之举。」
$ T$ g% }# B, d
$ ?; y4 l) B% ]/ \$ U0 k6 G腾纳补充说,购房者有能力提供的首付也是购房中一个重要方面,购房者应该採取多种策略,以确保有能力提供最大数额的首付,最终实现降低整个购房代价的目的,「有很多不同战略可以为自己储蓄首付,譬如,消费者最多可以从注册退休储蓄计画(RRSP)中支取2万5000元。」
% P" L( K) O/ Z! H8 I
8 n0 I' C- [, L) i! @: u( z他提醒说,较快偿清贷款的消费者将支付更少的利率,多数房贷提供了让顾客可以提前偿清贷款的选项。他又说:「满银有时会鼓励顾客选用较短偿还期的房贷;另外,趁现在利率处于历史最低的时候,儘快偿清贷款,这样你就可以无债一身轻地舒服享受退休生活。」
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-4-4 12:47 | 显示全部楼层
: Q$ i2 {4 ]3 L5 \/ }5 j/ W7 t; u& _
很不幸,实际情况同此“走向唱反调 ”
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-4 12:53 | 显示全部楼层
myway 发表于 2013-4-4 13:47
+ Y( [3 F. j4 i  ^5 T6 H"因为这些地区的健康经济成长和薪资上涨..........."
! h/ z# R6 A" U' n! ?$ u9 x. I2 Z) Y. o
很不幸,实际情况同此“走向唱反调 ”
8 F$ o; u. W1 k8 e  G
横向--比照其他地区还是健康的# Z, i+ V  S  I! m3 S% {
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-4 12:58 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
myway 发表于 2013-4-4 13:47 ! {2 \8 a+ b0 `1 r5 T
+ Z. y2 C3 i& v" s% @6 ~7 M
) S# c! h1 C! f8 q% O/ c- S9 R, c很不幸,实际情况同此“走向唱反调 ”

  G2 q  Q! X! M' H“The great mystery here is that we’ve had phenomenal employment growth, very strong income growth, very strong net in-migration, and yet it hasn’t poured over into the housing market yet,” says John Rose, chief economist for the City of Edmonton.
7 i) `5 _. W( t2 t9 y“These are unprecedented levels of in-migration into the province, so this (the relative stability in house prices) has kind of mystified us,” says Richard Goatcher, economic analyst with the Canadian Home Builders’ Association-Alberta.# Q  y8 X7 W0 v8 k* C
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-4 13:00 | 显示全部楼层
Lamphier: Despite tepid housing market, Alberta still the place to be, says real estate expert
1 z+ B& ^4 b6 r
- u1 r6 D7 G( X& ^1 D- B$ jReal estate guru Don Campbell says we should ignore gloomy headlines in the Toronto press about a looming Canadian housing bust. “There is no Canadian housing market,” says Campbell. Campbell’s point? Housing is a local commodity, and always will be.
# n3 U4 T2 p) ~1 Q. b1 J9 M- Z" m9 H4 Z
8 ?  W6 e: n+ M- zEDMONTON - Real estate guru Don Campbell has a simple message for homeowners: chill out.
, O. B) R; E$ I' C& P
; R% I' a8 r# |# e* E* SIgnore all those gloomy headlines in the Toronto press about a looming Canadian housing bust, he advises.
4 w: C" I- `% d6 p" g( y) p
" K  I9 o0 K  f1 v% ?“There is no Canadian housing market,” says Campbell, senior analyst and founding partner with the 2,900-member Real Estate Investment Network (REIN).
; _4 R( `6 \9 _0 d3 |* j/ f
4 A8 p/ Z2 n9 C8 ~“At no other time in history has the real estate market in Canada been so regional,” he notes. “If you go to Hamilton, that market is strong. But in Waterloo the market is starting to slow down, even though the cities are only half an hour apart. And what’s going on in Ottawa has nothing to do with Halifax.”
& O# p, U& N8 @- [% M; `1 ?% t
5 F( \! Y5 F7 m1 {+ x! cCampbell’s point? Housing is a local commodity, and always will be. That’s why average house prices in Fort McMurray dwarf those in Camrose, and why average prices in Edmonton are barely half those in Vancouver.
% T' w- ~3 E+ e0 h( g) R; P" p9 Z- R* [" g8 B) u3 D2 R% W
Just because housing markets in Toronto and Vancouver are soft — a point made ad nauseum by the myopic national media — doesn’t mean the rest of the country is in the same boat.
& l' k  T' A5 E& k& Y$ z9 ~
, x$ i+ R8 }! C& {7 H2 [“You see these reports saying: ‘The average Canadian real estate price is 20 or 25 per cent too high,’ and while that may be true in pockets, such as the luxury market in Toronto, it’s not true elsewhere,” says Campbell, who lives an hour east of Vancouver in the Fraser Valley.! G/ m- V, e3 C
# U+ p$ n& w6 M- G, t
In fact, if you’re buying a house or a condo, Alberta remains the place to be, he says, offering the biggest potential upside in the years ahead, based on economic and demographic factors.; s. @# p, }+ z* B- F8 J" X" F% F2 l/ p# f
6 q8 M+ h; q+ ~9 m
Sure, average prices in Alberta’s two major cities are up only modestly over the past year or two, he concedes, despite the province’s population boom and sizzling labour markets.
# F* {7 d6 M1 Q/ a( k2 F4 Q% x* c/ `1 o4 F( Z: U1 m& r
That has some economists puzzled, as I noted in a recent column. But Campbell isn’t fussed by it. With apartment rental rates on the rise and vacancy levels shrinking, Campbell says the seeds of the province’s next housing boom are already being sewn./ a7 u9 P( ?3 }2 k" u+ h

% u4 G' g$ j  n" q& X“Alberta’s population is growing substantially, especially with that younger age cohort. They come out here to get a job and make $80,000 instead of $30,000 back home. And once they’re here, they discover Alberta is a pretty cool place to live,” he says.; X8 S' T$ C3 D8 |" S* X: u/ s& k

% [, B- Z2 T# l: y, J/ ^“But it takes awhile for that to kick in, often about two years. So I’m very bullish on the direction that the market is going to be taking over the next portion of the cycle, say the next three, five or seven years.”
5 {& X% F0 d" ~& K
' i  b+ @' O* e& J$ iCampbell doesn’t issue specific house price forecasts, calling it a bit of a mug’s game, since such projections are invariably wrong. Instead, he says the most important thing is to get the direction right. And for Alberta’s two major cities, it’s clearly up.
* ?2 R) r7 ]4 J6 T# j" L/ i% N0 u4 T: y( }4 D; [  f
Alberta’s population grew by nearly 116,000 residents or 3.04 per cent in 2012, almost triple the national growth rate. Yet the average price of a single-detached home in Edmonton, at roughly $401,000 in February, has yet to surpass its 2007 peak.
, S0 t/ |( z4 x! P0 k  m+ W' U* ?) T- |) R) g# @% t
So what has capped the market’s gains to date? Campbell says several negative “influencers” have limited the price increases thus far, including tougher mortgage qualification rules as well as those gloomy national headlines.$ _* ~6 q* Q# S0 V% |7 s! K

5 j9 X0 `0 @4 d/ {$ R1 bIn addition, some buyers who were burned by purchasing at the peak of the last cycle remain gun shy, and many recent newcomers to the province aren’t yet comfortable committing to major purchases, such as a new home.
) B* y  \: E  Y% A% d; h8 i
' r# z) j# f4 E$ p8 _' mCampbell also cites the perverse psychological effects created by Alberta’s boom-and-bust economy. The result: Albertans, more than residents of other provinces, tend to obsess about the timing of the next big bust.- j. F  {* E: h( m) k4 m

, \- z) \% f9 N7 F" }“I find that when I’m speaking to Albertans they still keep bringing up the 1980s (when oil prices crashed and thousands lost their homes),” says Campbell.) Z- I' g$ e" D" i6 Q+ X* K6 r

6 F! g& n& M; b9 j/ Y4 G* J) T4 m, p“You remember when you’d see signs saying: ‘The last person to leave Alberta, please turn out the lights.’ I think Alberta is really the only province where I have those types of discussions with home buyers or investors. And I think it reflects the boom-bust psychology in the oil industry. And that spills over into the housing market,” he says.
+ ?. U6 j" A% c
; j3 _; F4 a$ v/ [# tThe fear and caution that’s woven into the DNA of many Albertans contrasts with what Campbell is actually seeing in the province’s housing markets, however./ h; D  E$ Q. q

4 h0 P; w4 Z* n, A7 r$ J* [“Just look at Grande Prairie. A year or a year and a half ago there were huge vacancy rates there. And now rents are skyrocketing and there’s virtually zero vacancies in any units that are worth living in,” he says.' S" z/ F# o; T$ f

& Y7 J' m4 o4 C! b“I had one client, a REIN member, who had a flood and the basement had to be completely gutted right down to the studs. Yet the tenant in that property, in the basement unit, refused to move out because there was nowhere to go. That sounds like just a story, but he showed me the photos and I’m going ‘Wow this is true.’”
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-4-4 13:24 | 显示全部楼层
hlj007 发表于 2013-4-4 14:00
. e( t7 s8 [* z4 ULamphier: Despite tepid housing market, Alberta still the place to be, says real estate expert4 o5 p% q! X! j

% w0 B) b0 m* k, R6 _3 ?R ...

' U; i+ n' Z; }; M% |# E; x  s5 O  X( M" n0 q
realtor 和银行的话你也信?! They are hungry now  2 {/ ^/ f1 T: S  ]# B' r- @( G

" K! y6 ?! u* ^; |8 H多和各行各业的朋友聊聊,你就知道经济到底如何?2 @  X! S6 P/ O# ]: M( |
" J: j& @7 y9 `6 l. m# I
实话实说,如果keystone pipeline可以修建,以后亚省经济也只能维持低幅增长,如果不能修建,立马玩完。6 z0 a! A8 A9 L" }& H$ [
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-4 13:33 | 显示全部楼层
myway 发表于 2013-4-4 14:24 6 C$ {4 V$ v# Y: A, ?3 W% N) M- J7 y
realtor 和银行的话你也信?! They are hungry now  
! I; V" s5 o, l; k6 s2 E2 o# `
' d6 P& C9 B+ ?6 X多和各行各业的朋友聊聊,你就知道经济到底如何 ...

. K' `; O0 ~# H5 F: A你说的有道理,不过大家都希望经济向好!
鲜花(53) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-4-4 23:27 | 显示全部楼层
myway 发表于 2013-4-4 14:24
, U4 ~2 R5 I6 a8 S; |( ]8 Urealtor 和银行的话你也信?! They are hungry now  ' \0 l5 e7 }6 T1 B9 A

' S( W2 ]$ I0 z. f8 s6 q) m多和各行各业的朋友聊聊,你就知道经济到底如何 ...

3 e0 z; p' ^, H! F向西好
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-4-4 23:57 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-5 09:07 | 显示全部楼层
myway 发表于 2013-4-4 14:24
7 Z1 W4 {2 q; _; x+ L. M' hrealtor 和银行的话你也信?! They are hungry now  
; f; D# o, |' P8 X0 ?
0 m( P) X( k; N" H. C5 U2 o& q多和各行各业的朋友聊聊,你就知道经济到底如何 ...

) z6 @3 g$ N7 J/ c$ ?( l你说对了,阿尔伯塔也无例外
- q# Z& G- @" \6 @' n* eCanada's economy lost 54,500 jobs in March, bleak new data from Statistics Canada showed Friday. 0 k4 m! J$ z5 V' }. |$ I
7 j$ i( J9 t5 N" r
That's the worst month for Canadian employment since the recession of 2009. When added to the numbers for January and February, they show that Canada's economy has lost 26,000 jobs so far in 2013 as a whole ( B0 a* C) X6 o7 O! @1 j# f7 N4 _
  n# Z: K) m- ]) s
The job losses pushed Canada's jobless rate higher to 7.2 per cent. 8 H6 {- ~' M4 w7 w; }
' l7 W* j7 D5 B, I  }
'When you dig below the headline, it's even worse.'—TD Bank economist Craig Alexander
6 v: x) h! s2 l' p: P1 e& O% k# C
"Official unemployment would have increased even more but for 12,300 Canadians dropping out of the labour force altogether and consequently not being counted as unemployed," United Steelworkers economist Erin Weir said of the data.
' F1 ?+ |. l: a: J0 H8 y. n; C: V% F1 o4 {/ J
Provincially, Quebec, British Columbia and Alberta lost jobs, and employment edged down in Ontario. The only province with an increase was Nova Scotia. 4 x9 `: j3 ?2 I% U. Z+ W
8 ~0 k5 j6 f, c( \1 K2 x
Private sector hiring, the engine of growth that policymakers keep a close eye on, actually fared even worse. There were 85,000 fewer private sector workers in March, while the public sector was largely unchanged,
3 v3 V+ v0 M, m+ P5 z. W$ h& B9 }* Y  s3 F$ r$ k
Loonie sinks on news
$ ~" t+ f) H$ @" u* B+ C
5 X8 l% J+ m3 D' UThere was an increase of 39,000 among self-employed people that counteracted the decline.
, s% W+ W( x) G/ N" M6 f; Y3 [/ ~# n1 c* U5 R( N& {
Overall, economists had been expecting about 6,500 new jobs, so a loss of 54,500 represents a considerable miss. 0 [5 T7 y! p. k$ @4 T% M6 d
$ b; Y+ D5 _- M5 h) x
"When you dig below the headline, it's even worse," TD Bank economist Craig Alexander said. For most of 2012, the monthly jobs number was much higher than economic growth would have indicated, a trend that can't continue forever, Alexander said. 5 G3 M0 _: R# b
2 S- U$ g8 }1 v
While he doubts large job losses will be the norm, he does expect several months of, at best, modest jobs growth from here on out. Something in the range of 10,000 to 15,000 new jobs a month, he says.
) M; R% g/ F# m# C! S2 g# ~1 U6 N1 s6 f
"It's going to keep the unemployment rate about where it is today," Alexander said. 0 \0 a1 x; T6 ^+ y) x2 K
1 W% \, [: s# A1 E* X& i
Much of the losses came among those in the core working-age group of those between 25 and 54. Among those younger than 25 and older than 54, the job numbers were pretty steady. 8 S& r' k8 P2 H, e3 x

  e7 r* |8 t" w5 ]& fThe Canadian dollar lost half a cent to trade below 98 cents US in reaction to the news.
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