鲜花( 1394)  鸡蛋( 16)
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& U3 @2 s- V, D6 N# s- P. h2 h' v
) W# }2 {/ s. S1 |6 Q# f1 x6 T本地房地产市场继续保持活跃
' @6 [) h5 h; y: I4 ^% M$ d( g& E+ a! ~# A' q6 s, W. c
埃德蒙顿2013年3月4日消息:据埃德蒙顿房产经纪协会报道,大爱城区的房产市场继续保持活跃态势。住宅房2月份挂牌上市量比上月增长10%,销售量上涨18.2%。所有住宅房(包括独立房,Condo,Duplex和rowhouses)平均价比上月增长4.3%。二月份独立房的平均价打破买家心理底线,超过40万,为$400,973(而一月份平均价为$399,832),虽然只上涨0.3%。Condo的价格上涨幅度较大,为$231,866,比上月上涨7.3%。Duplex和rowhouse比上月亦有所增长,平均价为$332,285。所有住宅房的平均价为$342,735,比去年同期增长2.9%。' J J7 n& G o( Z9 {: E
) }! `2 ^, Z# t+ Z6 v
“房产经纪们二月份比一月份忙多了,不管是买房还是卖房,”房产经纪协会主席Darrell Cook说。“同往年一样,销售势头会随着春天的道路继续增长。市场上库存量已经增多,相信目前房价持续增长的势头会让一些犹豫不决的卖家进入市场。”
6 A, b# N9 U) C% T0 ?- D) y- p. @, F: a; c) ]3 P
今年,在不同房价区间的销售量分布有所变化。“由于买家对本地经济的信心,加上低端房价有吸引里的房源比较少,让买家开始考虑高端价格的房子。”Cook说。到目前为止,与2012年头两个月相比,在$425,000 到 $550,000价格区间内房子的销售量增长了19%,而在$200,000 到 $375,000价格区间房子的销售量却下降了9.6%。
" S; p T- Y# r+ [* ~
* x1 G% O) O" L截至2013年2月28日,共有4,183通过MLS系统出售。按照目前的销售水平,这相当于4.14个月的销售量。从挂牌到售出的平均天数为57天,而去年同期为53天。二月份预计共售出1,089个单元,共有1,995挂牌上市。销售/挂牌比为55%,比一年前上涨4%。二月份的销售总额为$470,309,954。0 B4 i) }8 K! A6 L
- w# g' |4 h6 L4 Y) q* I
以上数据代表了整个大爱城区(根据加拿大统计局的定义),包括爱城和4个周边县(Parkland, Sturgeon, Leduc和Strathcona)所辖所有城市的销售数据。为确保销售数据汇报的准确性,2月份的数据已经经过了调整,反映了数据截止日期后的销售量。0 Q2 ?0 C. [* N' K( \& W
0 C `# [' }! z% ~; f( U( e
大爱城区和周边地区(包括St. Paul和Cold Lake)的房产经纪们每天都提供了经过协商谈判过的挂牌价和售出价,这些是本地和整个房产市场最可靠的数据来源。
# V$ W+ i6 k( d9 d$ ^& N6 k
; B: S, a6 g* E2 \- MMLS® System Activity (for all-residential sales in Edmonton CMA1) February 2013 | | M/M % Change | Y/Y % Change | SFD2 average3 selling price – month | $400,973 | 0.29% | 4.31% | SFD median4 selling price – month | 375,500 | -0.29% | 4.31% | Condominium average selling price | 231,866 | 7.28% | -0.55% | Condominium median selling price | 212,450 | 2.14% | -4.30% | All-residential5 average selling price | 342,735 | 4.33% | 2.87% | All-residential median selling price | 326,940 | 3.79% | 2.17% | # residential listings this month | 1,995 | 10.10% | -11.29% | # residential sales this month (estimated) | 1,089 | 18.17% | -5.50% | # residential inventory at month end | 4,183 | 11.76% | -13.22% | # Total6 MLS® System sales this month | 1,473 | 20.90% | -5.30% | $ Value Total residential sales this month | $407 million | 25.40% | -8.83% | $ Value of total MLS® System sales – month | $470 million | 25.90% | -11.06% | $ Value of total MLS® System sales - YTD | $871 million | 21.60% | -13.24% | 1 Census Metropolitan Area (Edmonton and surrounding municipalities)
3 n- R$ a3 h& h6 h* B1 Y. E; d2 Single Family Dwelling- w2 m9 S0 o) Y+ Y
3 The total value of sales in a category divided by the number of properties sold . y; [1 s; j9 u$ I; h0 K7 t
4 The middle figure in a list of all sales prices+ z8 k3 L; G `3 `/ {
5 Residential includes SFD, condos and duplex/row houses.
2 ~1 l0 b8 Y+ [" O2 m6 Includes residential, rural and commercial sales 1 @( S8 g8 i! u0 f