鲜花( 368) 鸡蛋( 0)
Even on the busiest of houseworkdays, getting outdoors for a quick nature break refreshes your brain and boosts your productivity. Spending all day washing dishes, being overloaded by cooking, and being closed in the same kitchen day after day cuts back on cognitive function and mental health. This makes sneaking out for a quick nature break the perfect way to balance your busy hands. Click through for a few smart ways to get some beneficial nature breaks during your busy houseworkday.
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. J) c) C# D: L& @" T! g5 Y即使是最繁忙的家务日,到户外去感受一下自然,休息一下也能很快地清醒大脑,提高效率。整日在洗碗中打转、被做饭压得喘不过气、在同一块小厨房待着,这些都会影响到我们的认知功能和身心健康。因此,快速自然的放松就成了释放双手的绝佳办法了。下面介绍几种聪明的小诀窍,让你在忙碌的家务日也能偷得浮生半日闲。
, @" H$ d2 ], e( I! b! H6 a! T; }2 M- L- R/ ?' j( F# p
Ask your husband to go on a Coffee Run9 c% h K$ {" L% L! z' Z1 Y k
让你老公跑腿买咖啡: X: A0 m4 K) w
! T) k G6 ]5 M) E8 @; o% ]6 K" B- O O$ T+ B2 R! M$ r
9 i) Z* ?; n- P% A& d% xSure, you've got coffee at home, but ask your husband to go for a houseworking-moment coffee run and pick up your favorite specialty coffee from down the street. No bother paying money, head outside and take his time bringing back the uplifting drinks.4 Y4 D `7 U# M" N# T5 {3 [8 A! ?% j
没错,你已经在家里喝过咖啡了。但是你也可以在做家务活儿的时候再让你老公去跑腿买回咖啡,帮你从街边的咖啡店带回你最爱的口味。不用给咖啡钱,他就可以大步地往外走了,花一点时间买咖啡,然后把这份提神醒脑的饮品带回去给你分享。4 ~" Q/ x& B V$ d) h& I: ~
* L% v; K1 r5 OYour husband will give you a Reading Break1 p' m9 V; `- b# S# O- m
' U& F4 v6 r0 p3 T9 P& O
! t8 ]7 M1 c# p- D$ sAlong with having a well-deserved lunch break, take advantage of your 15-minute housework break during the day and make your husband head outdoors with a book. Find a spot to sit and read a few pages loudly while listening the torturing voice.7 S9 ^5 T, N; S5 c
& z5 n; J* T' f P# O! ~- j/ b: Y* u除了中午的午休时间,你也可以在做家务时用15分钟的休息时间,让你老公带本书到户外去读。找个地方坐下来,大声读上几页书,聆听折磨人的破嗓子。
( O7 m# A" c) A# R+ H) V: f: e3 m3 U& F* h: |7 f
Let your husband become the home Plant Person
6 v" Y/ [0 h4 J+ U1 }让你老公照料家里植物9 A; |% S2 p( j p" p8 j+ ?9 w
& ]" V! B- M. `! N( e# S$ A( _% D/ j, J; I; |& m0 o" N1 C
Let your husband to take care of the office plants along with picking up fresh greenery to bring air and color into your houseworkspace. Even though you're not getting outdoors, tending to growing plants is a great way to take a nature break during the day.: a/ R3 }6 U# m0 H. e( u( k g9 X
# Q1 T: i M! ]让你老公去照料家中的植物,把好空气和绿色带到你的家务活中来。即使你没办法到户外去,看着植物的生长也是接近自然的休息方法。
- a% `7 N t0 t3 L4 d
, g" Y. ]( E6 h% f# {It applies to every great home maker in deep fire and hot water...........
7 P( h8 V- h" l4 E( X3 {, `% j此贴适用于每一位处于水深火热中的伟大的家庭主妇。。。。 |
鲜花鸡蛋JoyceAccSG 在2013-2-28 18:05 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下