鲜花( 1654)  鸡蛋( 51)
本帖最后由 JoyceAccSG 于 2012-10-26 09:16 编辑 : T2 \7 v: Q* U/ x4 s7 J
$ W& C6 e* p( F- A8 Z昨天晚上参加了headhunter 的freeworkshop,感觉还是不错的,对了,有个MM在门口等我,因为我的迟到又离开了,在此向这个MM正式道一下歉,实在是惭愧,星期六请你吃饭.
( m8 X- \) F3 e0 `3 o' R) C我可能记得不全,或记忆理解错误,欢迎昨晚也去的朋友补充和改正。& o2 b- n4 ]- e( G
0 c) F4 @; k) I6 n分两部分,第一部分是一个演讲,大概半个小时,还有半个小时的提问和解答% |- P3 q$ e- q9 v% l# W9 H0 v
E2 r: i" b* e* B; l% o第一部分的演讲,是由owner之一的Danielle Bragge担任的,她是一个5个孩子的母亲,她的孩子年龄从21岁到6岁4 Z1 P6 a! g! a7 }2 H& Q, X# y
% R9 O; |- H6 P* MFirst topic: ways to grabs employers attention to read your resume
6 j( U! D5 [% d, U2 L* Z o7 O
& z- n2 {7 C+ V/ i0 v1.do not list anything over 10 years, list recent 5-8 years, the reason is employer only care about what you can do now.
& S$ Y7 M, s# q. H% P! [6 I, O2.references: do not include your reference list into your resume, do not easily give out your reference list.% f! I. @: D9 G, ?8 _! q
3.List your accomplishment, what you have done and you proud of
* |( u7 c+ {% G" h4 q4.use a list of power words: instead of just listing job tasks you have completed, you will need to ensure you work power words or phrase into resume. " m# L/ [. d, P: r Y d+ c
Power words are strong words that demonstrate ability, such as:4 J' Q3 Q; Y4 A4 L- T0 I+ H
initiated, implemented,led,managed,increased, influenced,launched,advised,generated,motivated,delivered,promoted,shaped,supervised,succeeded,streamlined,upgraded,ability,. N! E# `; f6 g- c1 n' e
9 V% u4 G8 n, n5 W" X5.ask yourself: what am I special? how do I make my resume special?
2 {, i5 M0 Q" E8 q* O6 q9 S$ r. }
) R* p: o1 |) BShe said in average, Headhunter receives 100 resumes /per week, only 10 resumes are called and 5-8 for interview, so you have to grab employer's eye to read your resume and want to see you. |