Thunderchild Crab is a beautiful tree. My friend has it too. " `) e! H( v8 g9 }- I& T" }Can you share the name of greenhouse where you bought the tree? From which website did you print coupon? Thanks for the information.
Vacation 发表于 2012-7-10 16:45 $ G. S. Y5 W9 R% f8 G% q
Thunderchild Crab is a beautiful tree. My friend has it too. 8 f: I6 S- O$ }4 ]( `Can you share the name of greenhouse w ...
$ N. V k ]" @9 l
估计你是看错了, 6寸是将近150mm,那差不多是成年树的胸径了;在我们社区的landscaping要求上注明的是,从根部向上量6寸位置的直径不应小于,1又3/4寸,有的社区要求2寸。 _( h6 a' G! f5 u) x' U
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