鲜花( 100)  鸡蛋( 11)
本帖最后由 urspace 于 2012-2-8 15:56 编辑 2 B8 `4 x: [: `" b/ |; d
@% s8 }" u$ t( W2 ^4 QFor 2012- \, A% |1 Q! H' b: A' v: P
15% on the first $42,707 of taxable income, : w4 M+ c4 ~2 t+ f. c
+22% on the next $42,707 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income over $42,707 up to $85,414),
" I+ {2 {4 ]6 N6 R5 W8 V+26% on the next $46,992 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income over $85,414 up to $132,406),
5 a3 t1 \! X/ ^* Z/ y9 o3 X( K% t+29% of taxable income over $132,406.
1 Z* i. `- B$ I
3 Y- U' q5 ^' O+ `, a& t# M掂量一下值不值。 |