鲜花( 87)  鸡蛋( 1)
本帖最后由 精打细算 于 2012-1-30 23:01 编辑 : p9 [6 o9 K. [/ I; t
0 E8 K% U, G0 }As long as company reimbursed your fee, it's good enough. Tax deductible to company, tax benefit to you or not.. as long as company fill in the T4 and have sufficient evident to back you up, you are fine.! W& a9 u# F$ n1 ^5 R4 F$ h5 {& I
$ y" G/ M) R3 q* j/ [! ]Courses that supply T2202A slip is eligible for education amount, without it, dont even bother.+ ^6 U) J1 ~: ?# H6 T. {0 k
8 B( w6 E# c; M8 b8 i, j
If the course could not supply you with T2202A, dont even bother trying... waste of time. IMHO |