howardxue 发表于 2011-12-14 08:16 # x! T. ?' c: u& `7 T
Use Easy Max, fix electrict 8C and variable for Gas. You can also get $100 rebate for each year. $ }; A( t# N. s! f0 g: b# p6 L9 y4 G4 }# b4 U
whoiam 发表于 2011-12-24 13:12 0 [2 C& Z( u* k2 Q( E2 _. p
Is EnMax's gas floating rate the same as Epcor's?
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I think Epcor rate is not floating, it is variable (forecast) rate. K; ?3 N* e# {+ Y2 T
2 h/ m. @+ I4 Q1 ~3 _7 i" CThe regulated rate and variable rate are very similar however ENMAX's floating rate is based on the actual cost of gas and therefore no future adjustments (credit or debit) will be charged back to you based on an inaccurate forecast of what the rate will be. - g% _3 l) @0 S( f+ x2 a# d