埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[招聘信息] 扩招IT人员(部分新职位)

鲜花(35) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-11-21 11:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 莫迭儿 于 2011-11-21 11:44 编辑 & O2 j& X; P$ a! Z) Y1 M

3 g" B5 `0 y/ N; WCGI Edmonton continues to grow, as you can see from the following updated list of available positions. Some of these positions are so new that they are not yet listed at CGI Career Listings, but they will be posted this week, so please check them out as well.
' G! y/ O# j* L9 O0 r2 n5 j
$ f- c! |; b) rREF #        Position        Required
8 H4 k0 s' |  t- W- p$ K) GJ1111-0160 Cognos Developer        2
7 J; H7 s( \+ f$ LJ1111-0159 SAS/BI Data Integration Analyst        1) w, y$ S2 {( E9 V: u
J1111-0158 Technical Team Lead - Java        1
: V( g" @) G7 v/ S8 _J1111-0157 Java Systems Analyst/Developer        21! h. `/ v) p- A) `
J1111-0156 Intermediate .Net Developer        8
4 c4 O3 K2 k- WJ1111-0025 Project Manager        3) d" L- w9 D1 ], r! h
J1011-0461 SQL Systems Analyst        1) o% U* h, L! A: p+ `' w+ e
J0911-0578 System Test Analyst        4
7 V* V- J5 y$ n& X, D! wJ0811-1435 Test Architect        1/ |- y1 z6 c9 X) O7 w' Y+ g
J0911-0579 Business Analyst        97 D4 s0 J. e$ e  ]
J0911-0697 Microsoft CRM Dynamics Consultant        2
, P+ a" m6 j" R* S% f7 {( h$ c1 \J0911-0574 .Net Architect        1
$ o  q8 Q5 v+ B6 _J0811-0778 ETL Architect Developer        2
7 n/ t: Y7 S9 V0 [2 a2 ?1 o新职位:# @; e' w2 G5 u/ c
        Oracle Forms and Reports Developer        1: k; s" f4 y) n, S" d
        SQL Server / ColdFusion AMS Support        16 H  {1 r' ~) e8 l3 T
        Security Technical Architect        1
5 E/ R) n" |3 q9 V; g; K1 a         Junior Help Desk Resource        1
; _% ?0 _" p4 s) [; p5 W         Ruby Web Tester        1
2 ^7 d1 R; N+ f         Sybase PowerDesigner        1" N# C! Y) S$ z: r
        Mainframe Analyst (Natural / COBOL)        1
鲜花(35) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-21 11:49 | 显示全部楼层
You can apply online at CGI Career Listingshttps://clients.njoyn.com/CGI/xw ... blisting&LANG=1, CGI will handle the recruitment process. I would be glad to referral you if you have the needed skills and attitudes, contact me at monica.pan@cgi.com.
- o# I' y) r6 d* M' ~' a# F* O
6 t7 |& N+ N' oGood luck!
鲜花(35) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-30 12:54 | 显示全部楼层
Below are the positions still open at this moment. ! R3 q1 x1 }3 V) w9 t7 ~8 A+ y( A
REF #                  Position                    Open
4 Q% G8 q2 l$ t1 nJ1111-1166 SharePoint Developer        2" A$ @, q0 a, _- O2 w
J1111-1164 Helpdesk Analyst - temporary until April 30, 2012        1, `' u7 }7 T- a; M# V) D# b
J1111-1162 Security Specialist        1$ ]. }6 ?4 l* f7 q
J1111-1160 Natural/COBOL Mainframe Analyst        1
1 x0 K! C9 |0 Q4 P5 O0 C  ?; dJ1111-1157 Oracle Forms/Reports Developer        1! i/ k7 U$ K' m# m% U/ u+ j( _2 H0 X
J1111-1156 Sybase PowerDesigner        1
* v8 N$ @$ o5 u9 ]8 Q/ yJ1111-0160 Cognos Developer        2- ^: Q& Y+ x; M0 v0 f
J1111-0159 SAS/BI Data Integration Analyst        1
4 v6 `7 i  G. Q: O" v' S7 ]% a! VJ1111-0158 Technical Team Lead - Java        1
# `+ |2 B/ N* ~2 ^: IJ1111-0157 Java Systems Analyst/Developer        21- [6 E, A( Z' W6 t4 I, G) \
J1111-0156 Intermediate .Net Developer        119 @( \5 J( i' p/ S
J1111-0025 Project Manager        3
, I  D! ~$ h( E: @0 LJ1011-0461 SQL Systems Analyst        1
$ O% z. h0 V) {8 tJ0911-0578 System Test Analyst        4
$ Y/ B+ A" I# IJ0811-1435 Test Architect        12 ~0 d" T+ H- C4 E" T5 X
J0911-0579 Business Analyst        6
( q  T& W: Q# y: V% m6 m! X$ ^9 qJ0911-0697 Microsoft CRM Dynamics Consultant        4
) W. W1 f% b5 T; h" A8 U$ \+ {J0911-0574 .Net Architect        11 _" n% v( b. c$ N. r$ E" K
J0811-0778 ETL Architect Developer        2
: l! i. w$ O. k4 l/ {* ?  @( s
4 Q- n2 h- E$ T7 O/ T! I: h; L7 [Thanks,
8 X0 Y3 q$ R) p, ~  YMonica Pan
鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-11-30 13:57 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
LZ真是好心人! 顶一下。可惜偶不是挨提的。
鲜花(35) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-21 17:44 | 显示全部楼层
4 H" p1 [- v4 g+ k# p
CGI Career Listings
' m! {4 J0 H( F9 d2 g0 K8 C0 a5 j" g# w8 O1 v
The following positions  are still available as of Feb.21, 2012:
6 ]( |/ G" ]! L& gREF #        Position        Open" D* v! N5 `4 p0 s; U8 ?- s( L
J1111-1465 Intermediate Java Developer        ~2.0! M7 a, K# K! g
J1111-1457 Senior Java Developer        ~2.03 H6 f; J8 r" [5 N0 ^1 D# E2 r* C
J1111-0156 Intermediate .Net Developer        2
3 A# D' a" L1 ]3 qJ1111-0025 Project Manager        1
2 t9 W( N- D% O1 iJ0911-0578 System Test Analyst        17 O- U* l6 }$ Z. U7 v1 k! P
J0911-0579 Business Analyst        1" D+ U# d+ M" B/ p  {6 k( z
J0911-0697 CRM System Analyst        1
( D( \% f; o2 V: e# U+ u8 n          SAS System Analyst        1
0 Q8 x% @  h4 o
. v+ g$ d4 _( |
) o2 N0 i4 r9 xYou're welcome to enter Monica Pan and monica.pan@cgi.com in the referral section. Good luck!% h( ?: w6 F7 u1 Y
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-22 10:08 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(657) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2012-2-22 10:39 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢,高亮 !!
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