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本地房产数据让房主展颜欢笑" U1 Q/ S ^! R- d; u0 l' M" `, m
4 J- K9 ~* B6 u7 q9 G2011年10月4日埃德蒙顿消息:埃德蒙顿地区独立房房主已经看到他们房产价值的增长超过很多其他方式的投资。尽管近期股票市场和加元都大幅下跌,定期存款利息也微乎其微,本地住宅房房主却看到了5%的价值增长。与2010年12月31日的房价相比,独立房房价平均增长了5.1%,而condo增长了4.7%。! ~( K* c! ^4 v6 ]/ c
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“房地产经纪继续对未来的本地房产市场持乐观态度,”埃德蒙顿房产经纪协会主席Chris Mooney表示。“今年一月份,我们预计到年底房价将增长3%。目前增幅已经达到了5%,我们预计第四季度价格也不会有太多松动。我们前期并未预料到condo价格的增长,所以我们对condo接近5%的增幅有些吃惊。”
. Y6 C) N/ \$ i) T$ k8 N5 s1 \3 o
" w* y7 j# s% N+ L% N6 M2 Y# w9月份独立房的平均价$375,738,与上月相比增长1.4%。而condo同期增长了2.1%,平均价为$236,125。整个9月份,大埃德蒙顿去的住宅房平均价增长了2.6%,由8月份的$324,217增长到$332,782。而Duplex和rowhouse 9月份只卖出了66个单元,价格下跌了3.2%,平均价$296,117。
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% M2 l& U& x4 |9 Y+ o消费者信心导致了房价上扬,同时也刺激了销售量的增长。9月份共卖出了1,345单元,挂牌量为2,585。住宅类房型挂牌销售比为52%,而从挂牌到售出的平均天数为56天。MLS系统上各类房型的总挂牌量为3,292,总销售量为1,536。
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( \# v& h3 [2 G7 O" X截止到2011年9月,共有3,178个房产经纪服务埃德蒙顿区域。
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Highlights of MLS® System activity
. V7 X! Q5 }1 \/ pSeptember activity | Record for# \5 g. v6 l! B
the month* | % change from
& g7 |( i6 I) J- u& ^- |" { w; u u( wSeptember 2010 | Total MLS® System sales this month | 1,536 | 4.60% | Value of total MLS® System sales - month | $519 million | 5.40% | Value of total MLS® System sales - year | $5.04 billion | 1.20% | Residential¹ sales this month | $444 million | 9.50% | Residential average price | $332,782 | 2.60% | SFD² average selling price - month | $375,738 | 2.20% | SFD median³ selling price | $355,000 | 2.00% | Condo average selling price | $236,125 | -0.50% | ! v O, f; D, O2 x
¹. Residential includes SFD, condos and duplex/row houses.9 ?4 r: d7 Z' v; k
². Single Family Dwelling7 O: ]' ~7 s; ]: c
³. The middle figure in a list of all sales prices 7 A) ?" M5 f4 C& D" d1 ^
* Average prices indicate market trends only. They do not reflect actual changes for a particular property, which may vary from house to house and area to area. Prior period figures have been adjusted to include late reported sales and cancellations and therefore reflect a more accurate view of the period than previously reported at month end. For information on a specific area, contact your local REALTOR®. |