3#lin7061 u/ w( i3 X6 ]" g( |
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How many days do you have during this long weekend. thinking of going somewhere. / `8 t' `( J9 _8 Pwe can discuss further. , ~( N0 P+ q2 w) i5 y9 `7 r4 K* f1 y& l
what about WCT?
# @7 U% l6 z8 L/ F) y2 j0 K: N7 U; h. fHow many days do you have during this long weekend. thinking of going somewhere.; G; X1 O7 q& e4 D7 R7 o
we can discuss further.) E7 |7 i! M- M8 }( z. i
' P* Q2 L* n. O. O
那样的话3天有点少,Assiniboine的精华就在Assiniboine山脚下和山的周围。% a7 c! t# c. c. f. S; g1 a8 d
如果总时间是3天2晚的话,从南面进去至少要一天,在Assiniboine只有一天好玩,所以时间有点紧。6 s4 v# `: Z3 J" D, {; f. a