租车需要两天 (70)+两桶油 (140)=210 如果是两个人去 不过花去120。# g( f0 [% e% e( `( G. Z+ L9 F
lanseqiutian 发表于 2011-7-21 16:36
8 m( Q2 z3 m/ a' ]0 P4 ]3 n ! t7 x. v' Y4 n. _9 V3 Y根据discount,1天300km,多了另以km数算钱,你起码要租4天,可以租weekend那种,你有credit card保险可以不用买保险(保险大概7块一天),我朋友5月租了一次,4天没保险,大众Jetta,总共花了220多,油费这种小车1100-1200km大概要120-140块1 I9 b( C, {9 p4 o3 u
; k W! a) \) p2 b) M! S7 b
$550 is too much...unless you are looking to make some money off this trip.: s% w5 Y* _& O9 b
If I go, I will do it for 250, that should include the gas for my truck. plus I can probably get a meal off that 250.
7 C& b/ q# H q; r7 V
of course..alll you guys are renting cars or hiring a guy with a car.! G% _- r9 ], \$ L
they have to make money...of course they charge over 500 or 600 dollars., s6 Q- c2 D9 B/ V
If you are just looking at gas cost, a friend who helps out, 250 for gas, and kms is pretty reasonable. plus if that friend is going there anyway, you guys can split the cost.