鲜花( 1)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2011-7-2 22:42
刚刚有看了下Purchase Agreement,有这样一段:. @- K5 `1 D: Q& o! p% z# Y% Y
& A/ T6 P8 f. R% j( Y& D; j3 _3 W. PExtra, Deletions or Substitutions* ?0 X u A( B8 X7 A
/ @* ]2 L- a* o! ~: A! N+ KAny additions, removal, corrections, variationa, substitions or price changes to the Home referred to in Clause 4 shall be done only by a written changes order(s) signed by the Builder and Purchasers and attached to this Agreement (Schedule "C"). ...
2 A$ M1 W( r* _$ v7 [
- b+ x* e; N+ J+ X7 C0 r( v2 R又检查了下BUILDER给的那张纸(改stairwell wall厚度: 从6''变到4"),是Change Order。上面没我的亲笔签字,是他们写上我的姓而已,都没有我的全名。 |