鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
Hello there,
5 t0 J3 A9 z+ s rI am a Msc student from China. I have a room here in the house I am living in which is available from the end of August this year. Here is the basic information of the house we are renting:
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Our house is located in the Riverbend, the address is 5847 - 143 street. There is a bus stop across the street that goes to the south campus where you can take LRT or other buses directly to the University. The bus ride will take about half an hour to U of A in total. The bus across the street runs from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. After these hours you must walk three blocks (about 10 min) to a bus stop. However, from my experience, the transportation is still convenient but only for peak hour (6 am-9 am, 3 pm- 6pm), so it would be better if you are a master student as I am or a PHD. The living condition here is extraordinarily nice with almost the nicest neighborhood (environment) in Edmonton, you will live in a typical Canadian family ( there will be 3 people including the landlady who is a local), and gain a good chance to exercise your English. With regards to the grocery, the landlady herself will take us to whatever you want to for your grocery every week at a fixed time.
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/ ~" A6 F: {% \+ E, XThe rent for the room is 450 per month including everything (it is fully furnished). You need to sign a half year lease.
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Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions or interested in the room: Ruoshui (Raison) Ni: ruoshui@ualberta.ca. 0 D. P4 Z ^4 V u1 e
The following is the room photos:
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