鲜花( 8)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 yutao175 于 2011-5-19 11:03 编辑
$ L- @! |$ }9 @# L9 ] ~* u O. B! V9 _! Y
我们最近的Condum管理公司 Victorian Management要给我们涨20%的管理费,4 P) u" d; l4 h0 @& A0 P
7 `4 H/ S9 J# @- e; y$ Z% F- q2 u' |' m7 \- i' @' q
(1)今年冬天的恶劣天气造成了很多冰坝和内部损害(Ice Damming, Interior Damage)
9 e" o* J' v, @) J$ ^) ](2)虽然今年保险公司今年出了这个钱,但以后他们就不出了,因为这个冰坝和内部损害不在保险覆盖范围内
4 c* g/ z1 ]' ^2 N" L, d# {(3)很多用户需要更换防水的墙板( shingle)8 Q8 l1 P/ g6 q, y9 [" a
(3)为此需要贷款 5年期 8%利息的 $250,000
* v7 p6 I# K" t4 b% V! n: c+ r9 z K% S5 w3 H
原文如下:; ? W' I7 k6 U+ t; ^! c
, m) W: X0 W) U; s/ A3 n% v, D6 U/ \3 f
The opnions obtained agreed that "alcove" areas surrounding the skylights must be stripped of; z9 g6 j1 d y6 o% C
the existing shingles, covered with a special ice and water guard material, and then reinstall# [" O6 @1 x: z, {& z
new shingles. In addition the siding up the side walls should be removed to allow the ice and4 h6 K6 I- C7 a( _$ M% K! I; h
water guard materials to be installed up the side of the walls, Proper flashing etc. will also
' ?" o5 _0 b6 f4 \be installed. The end result would be, in simple terms, a "bathtub" effect in these alcove, y7 ~! a% |5 S- T
area.The entire roof area and side walls would have one continuous ice and water membrane, ~0 R, |4 X2 H/ _
underneath the new shingles.: l( ]0 e) e" t5 j
. B1 f5 R2 x- P, N我因为听说有些维修公司和管理公司或某几个住户有关系,特别想动点工好赚钱,所以有点怀疑:
" ]1 r9 y/ h- y6 o(1) 为什么保险不覆盖 ice damming and interial damage?
# {: n) L9 S2 }5 W- Z5 S(2) 需要维修嘛?
0 G4 k- j) a- Q(3) 利息要 8%) o0 ]5 I' M( ^* ?6 t
! P% R& W% A1 x& O/ o' F4 l$ c大家如果有熟悉这个的,能否给点意见? 先谢谢了 |