鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
I am looking for someone have experience to taking care my two kids(5 and 4yrs old)
% m o: f! q, Z: qwork two or three times a week(3~5hrs a day)earliest 7 am or latest 11 pm.. C4 b7 c- V" {5 J+ n/ B+ v, m
need to be flexible working hour,and acceptable call duty sometimes.
4 Q: T7 J* o- H. x# ?/ {& dcan also work on the weekend.
7 c( W4 g3 a- P9 o3 m0 uduring the weekday my daughter is in school, so need to take her or pick her up from the school bus(only corner of my apt.)4 @! ^; e) F2 P+ Z( F& V% z" b' o
we are close to west edmonton mall.:)
4 Z, W! A$ Q6 Q! Q0 C: _: { 1 I) R, j$ I8 r! u
$10/hr ,must be 18 and older% F( w7 q! {3 f
email to:jillrosser@hotmail.ca 7 f- F+ X7 Y+ U$ U3 H& c3 r. D
or call 7804844125 Mr.or Ms. Rosser |