没有高手?那我试着回答回答,5 p2 P5 s# G" }( k K# _+ l
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大震后一定需要救援,那么全世界的日本人或者其他国家救援都需要买入日元。 K4 s& t0 s/ L8 [6 o P八达通汇 发表于 2011-3-11 09:29
9 v! b; y5 \5 V! V( h# N& gBut the Japanese government would want to spend a lot of Yen to purchase resource and equipments from other countries, thus create a downward pressure on Yen.
But the Japanese government would want to spend a lot of Yen to purchase resource and equipments from other countries, thus create a downward pressure on Yen.% ?# ]& \& F/ o4 S9 D- P' L% X
小黄 发表于 2011-3-11 11:33
- e' h0 F: F3 ?; x& V8 C: c应该正好相反吧?日本政府有大量外汇储备,正好把美元用掉。纯猜测而已,反正地震也挡不住美元的下跌趋势。