鲜花( 115)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2011-3-5 07:23
Spotless Snow Removal is looking for Part Time Snow shovelers. This is an easy and rewarding job that requires no experience and a little physical labor. We are a residential snow removal company and have over 250 customers throughout Edmonton. : } Z2 B4 Q5 ]( W6 M4 C2 P1 l7 K
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Job description: We will provide you with 8-12 driveways in your neighborhood and you would be responsible to shovel them when it snows. YOU MUST HAVE A CAR AND VALID DRIVERS LICENSE.
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Pay: You will get paid $8 a driveway. Our current employees shovel 2-3 driveways an hour (depending on their speed) and make between $16 and $24 per hour. You are responsible for fuel expenses.
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" j% ?8 H* E- P NEquipment: We will provide you with a shovel or snow blower and ice-melt.
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3 ]& Z0 f- F' [0 AQulaifications: Must be 100% reliable and be able to work every time it snows. If you need a day off, must provide us with a one week notice. Must be able to start early, start time is 6 AM. Must be able to handle physical work.
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For more information or to schedule an interview, please call Dave or Dan at 780-489-5999.
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Thank you, |