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+ j# R- l  v0 P8 ^9 WTitle        Nonlinear systems( `1 B9 u6 N/ K3 o
Author        Hassan K. Khalil# [- L' ^% G8 w* \7 q$ t
Edition        3, illustrated
/ r6 W9 U9 T1 V& x8 X6 Y8 P3 RPublisher        Prentice Hall, 2002
' S% a5 n1 x# g' k! y( GISBN        0130673897, 9780130673893
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% s5 T1 U3 i9 G+ s# N# ITitle        Control system design+ \: o& ]: ~, \+ _+ U
Authors        Graham Clifford Goodwin, Stefan F. Graebe, Mario E. Salgado. v+ v" q* A% }
Edition        illustrated  l' _+ O" P- }9 h5 W
Publisher        Prentice Hall, 2001
; j" ^. g  L; S0 r0 G3 G" t( E9 cOriginal from        the University of Michigan
/ ^7 [2 X: f, `. F1 L6 u. ODigitized        6 Dec 2007% |7 b  y7 W3 P, z
ISBN        0139586539, 9780139586538- I; _, @8 ~2 D! g4 l
Length        908 pages  c! I. Z0 ]8 ~7 K8 x2 p4 }
---------------------------------------------------------7 f1 y. K! J# U2 j  a' ?7 }
' s4 X3 t; }7 i4 z, l( j- [
Title        Introduction to distributed algorithms
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ISBN        0521794838, 97805217948314 E$ X5 d$ q# s0 `1 ^; l! D
Length        596 pages( `- }% ?, [% O7 |
( z: [! x0 H  `
, M. M: {4 \7 [Title        Introduction to smooth manifolds
! w8 |! v* u4 h1 }, R  xVolume 218 of Graduate texts in mathematics9 v* w# S) N4 `4 a% [5 Z' s
Author        John M. Lee
" ]7 v  q/ C0 T! NEdition        illustrated, reprint) x" ]  ]& O' ~7 b2 P6 M- d
Publisher        Springer, 2003: h. q+ a& _) A7 ~& L7 K
ISBN        0387954481, 9780387954486
, T$ {+ K' ^: _% y/ mLength        628 pages
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+ G: g7 y+ u+ A; JEdition        3, illustrated$ K. D$ F5 P, x8 E$ \
Publisher        Cambridge University Press, 20070 u; ^0 s2 H, ~: h8 O
ISBN        0521880688, 9780521880688& d/ `* w) e- r0 d* P* Z' p5 H' h
Length        1235 pages0 C. x- Q3 o: J6 N& u+ E
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Publisher        Dover Publications, 20068 n, y- x# \8 I, S
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Length        320 pages
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Title        Intermediate physics for medicine and biology7 H; B0 r4 t6 [( u1 L3 _
Biological and medical physics, biomedical engineering
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Edition        4, illustrated
% f+ W: R' h: kPublisher        Springer, 2007+ q: V( ^2 m" g0 O! g' }
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) R( H5 d6 p5 Z2 N' V# P# g) G0 k! P4 dTitle        Delta-Sigma Modulators: Modeling, Design and Applications+ c$ h: Q6 t# I6 u; v/ r& q+ i
Authors        George I Bourdopoulos, Aristodemos Pnevmatikakis, Vassilis Anastassopoulos, Theodore L Deliyannis+ c: h7 B. G1 R2 F6 ^- l
Edition        illustrated, reprint) l2 n: q; F5 C  A9 U9 r
Publisher        Imperial College Press, 2003( z4 K8 d9 c# ?
ISBN        1860943691, 9781860943690
4 c" {: R: `: w6 r( f7 M8 RLength        244 pages
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Author        Giorgio Buttazzo
: I8 \8 }) }; M6 u3 \: N, ^0 nEdition        2, illustrated
3 f( S! I. |- F7 \8 O+ e1 g9 yPublisher        Springer, 2010
6 ~( T% V  R1 _/ O8 G' |" SISBN        1441935789, 9781441935786
. i! \& ?( y( @Length        425 pages' v9 a6 d" a; |9 l  r" V3 w
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Title        Piecewise linear control systems: a computational approach) W% d/ k! e2 o3 Q, D
Volume 284 of Lecture notes in control and information sciences
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Author        Mikael Johansson
2 E& Y6 |. x" n* A% p# J. o5 gEdition        illustrated
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ISBN        3540441247, 9783540441243
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Volume 8 of Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics! B: j- X9 o  e
Authors        James Keener, James Sneyd( B+ `, P) r9 I& Q8 X
Edition        2, illustrated) L9 O, o( m% q6 N2 \: ^5 R
Publisher        Springer, 2008
, l3 A$ @! b4 k6 EISBN        0387094199, 9780387094199* X8 a* _4 ]9 Q+ S) W8 s
Length        1160 pages
' e2 u) U! [3 y; q! }  }---------------------------------------------------------------0 K+ q1 ^  m, |' I3 ]* A/ t
7 a* g$ m3 [' {( [" `% q7 C$ ?1 ?- q
Title        Ordinary differential equations( |4 T$ s6 l4 I0 Y- r# g
Universitext (1979)( ]9 g/ f" l  v& Q" B/ R$ o* [
Universitext Series
, R4 B( h% L2 b! q. CAuthor        Vladimir Igorevich Arnolʹd: j- l# M6 M  x' N) q% n' m; R
Edition        illustrated, reprint( n- f" x/ D& [! p  |; e5 L  i
Publisher        Springer, 2006* D0 Y4 w  ?! B" N% H6 M% W
ISBN        3540345639, 97835403456333 S. i; O. L9 g2 }2 d
Length        334 pages# E6 n+ P- m" G
: G- c( s; I6 X/ ~. o3 W2 W
0 r4 E' R! P+ J" m# Y+ @Title        An Introduction To Probability Theory And Its Applications, 2Nd Ed, Volume 2
9 H0 j4 P( s2 i8 J( gA wiley publication in mathematical statistics
' N( X5 E2 C7 G0 x* m! x& B# R( eAuthor        Willliam Feller. s; D6 v9 i# {# J8 I" @) v( E
Publisher        Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2008
6 @4 ?. d( y3 |1 v5 EISBN        8126518065, 9788126518067
0 v; K% m* ~# r) ?! D7 SLength        700 pages0 w' \2 g4 P* b+ c9 |- d
& S! n  D7 W' A3 a, pTitle        An Introduction To Probability: Theory And Its Applications, 3Rd Ed, Volume 1  g# Z$ ?: F" W- ]. s
Author        William Feller: \4 F0 C5 }9 k( w$ H) |
Publisher        Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2008$ V3 i$ J. ]& e, w. F" t
ISBN        8126518057, 9788126518050
# `5 ^6 q5 e" D  h' o6 h  _Length        536 pages9 y* o1 H+ ?3 K$ l

' K! L5 k9 P( u& E
6 C8 r' p, L, }8 ^: a; U----------------------------------------------------------- _% u+ ^  C8 y; d9 c1 h# m
Title        Predictive control: with constraints
0 Y0 L- G0 D, d' APearson Education
; B3 _0 L0 ^/ s  KAuthor        Jan Marian Maciejowski! X9 D1 ^. B' u4 l1 g- j0 \
Edition        illustrated8 W/ v) j+ m$ Z: _" y$ Y5 i
Publisher        Prentice Hall, 2002' _; u3 b1 _( s/ g
ISBN        0201398230, 97802013982363 @3 ~/ X- _* F- [- h
Length        331 pages3 S9 J. _' U7 Q; _$ |
/ p: S3 v, \4 Q, \5 oTitle        Introduction to Discrete Event Systems& p. l4 c* j6 o2 v- ]: g
Authors        Christos G. Cassandras, Stephane Lafortune
9 R' X( C* g1 E2 c7 wEdition        2# V, [! M# Y* t7 P- e9 q
Publisher        Springer, 2010  F0 ~0 l+ |; x' N* b. ^  }0 v
ISBN        1441941193, 97814419411901 f% l* F% A' R, h
Length        776 pages
1 N' n+ g5 E+ C+ I4 R8 x------------------------------------------------------
; \9 \2 O2 U) K# E+ o% o& Y  ^Title        Feedback Systems: Input-Output Properties9 N5 G, @; ~+ ~( i: L( M6 V" \' H
Volume 55 of Classics in Applied Mathematics* V/ R# i+ V3 B# s# t
Authors        Charles A. Desoer, M. Vidyasagar
# d$ U+ V0 K3 F6 S$ Q7 H$ oEdition        illustrated' x* m( r, G1 R$ i
Publisher        SIAM, 2009+ U: f- |  W$ F( Z6 C/ I
ISBN        0898716705, 9780898716702
. P/ R! y% }, j# `: L9 NLength        284 pages
2 x  ^1 E6 D' _% ^5 A, `-----------------------------------------------------------) }9 u! F) j, ?9 m( A) C
Title        Switching in systems and control
1 L6 R) ?; Z+ q9 \: }+ FSystems & control
; d1 Q+ k7 p; i  [Systems & control: foundations & applications
' }# C) F8 a, Q( a7 y) c+ QAuthor        Daniel Liberzon7 C# E8 v+ Z) s
Edition        illustrated
  \/ C! ~% A: A" ^Publisher        Springer, 2003
. Z% _7 o* }5 j: LISBN        0817642978, 97808176429767 U- [0 J8 S" r) p
Length        233 pages
# z* x5 g8 m6 \0 I) }4 r; F# W--------------------------------------------------------
) f% J! ]! I4 o7 ]  dTitle        Nonlinear systems analysis0 L& P' D0 q7 @1 w
Volume 42 of Classics in applied mathematics
7 h. x. H5 W- \" r# P+ `( cAuthor        Mathukumalli Vidyasagar
' _. j  k0 `; S' wEdition        2, illustrated, reprint  G2 U2 j$ _% Q1 `: C
Publisher        SIAM, 2002* M. T8 G% D* I) n  [3 q1 O% \
ISBN        0898715261, 9780898715262
7 ~- I+ S" P2 N1 [7 |Length        498 pages+ o" i& V0 O, I/ G

, I2 D! S1 m& Z; j1 E5 q--------------------------------------------------------) g; e! o. I( Z5 i- y& R
Title        The theory of matrices, Volume 1
! ?5 Z+ c% E! }5 {* `6 eChelsea Publishing Series
: q, b( W' A, N" W# D* m, gAmerican Mathematical Society Series
8 w0 U4 g! d' kThe Theory of Matrices, Feliks Ruvimovich Gantmakher, ISBN 0821813935, 9780821813935
7 H" L: n/ F# ]; s7 z& D; E. O, ~Author        Feliks Ruvimovich Gantmakher1 b, d" ^, \) D8 o6 B
Edition        2, illustrated, reprint/ k: c' B' F( r5 e$ H, s5 |
Publisher        AMS Bookstore, 2000
: ]: z8 g# e" ?+ ]" s9 WISBN        0821813765, 9780821813768* s/ W" K; ~( n8 W
Length        276 pages
& N3 v: M4 a# E& E) G1 e----------------------------------------------------------------4 U7 l: j5 l, k/ W
Title        The theory of matrices, Volume 2
/ f; ~- ^4 b, D/ @Chelsea Publishing Series
9 d+ G  o* P0 k3 h- x& H: u% ]% IThe Theory of Matrices, Feliks Ruvimovich Gantmakher, ISBN 0821813935, 9780821813935) I. I' V- Y5 W% d# p, J1 w
Author        Felix R. Gantmacher
' \4 {* K0 N9 uEdition        reprint: n) Z& E! [# c% ^# I; L
Publisher        AMS Bookstore, 20007 T+ l$ D' {2 W  M, i, C) x
ISBN        0821826646, 9780821826645- u% c* V/ v- C( ]+ a# z
Length        276 pages
, a) ], T+ ]$ B3 f; A-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 G5 D9 C8 H/ b+ }7 q9 l0 j1 _2 z9 K
Title        H [infinity symbol]-optimal control and related minimax design problems: a dynamic game approach
3 `5 [6 t2 g3 zModern Birkhäuser Classics6 _9 ?/ U. K. I. y
Systems & control, l. a% [" O. K& g
Authors        Tamer Başar, Pierre Bernhard( Q2 z5 L2 a5 x0 J' H3 s8 V
Edition        2, illustrated, reprint
, D' `+ X. p5 S/ o& |+ D. U( aPublisher        Birkhäuser, 2008
- \& J! {, B; c) @* ~3 t  g, fISBN        0817647562, 9780817647568. h5 E( t/ e8 A
Length        411 pages+ h! U3 H2 E( }, }' F5 ?
--------------------------------------------------------------& L7 M/ O. @7 P0 T( [  S" D8 ~% G
Title        Impulsive and hybrid dynamical systems: stability, dissipativity, and control
6 n. l+ I" y$ S7 s: ?# p# TPrinceton series in applied mathematics6 v+ j( V# Q2 I1 p+ }5 z% T4 c
Authors        Wassim M. Haddad, VijaySekhar Chellaboina, Sergey G. Nersesov
$ M* G' A- Z3 V, {; h  AEdition        illustrated
5 j9 v5 z* `8 JPublisher        Princeton University Press, 20066 }" S+ v6 h9 J3 {9 H3 ^/ g- B: V5 _' Y
ISBN        0691127158, 9780691127156
+ v. M% ?, F) ?, ?, n& U3 d0 HLength        504 pages
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