鲜花( 65)  鸡蛋( 0)
OTTAWA - The Bank of Canada today announced that it is maintaining its target for the overnight rate at 1 per cent. The Bank Rate is correspondingly 1 1/4 per cent and the deposit rate is 3/4 per cent.
* @; B7 c/ d' p, }4 d! j7 H3 Y1 N3 `" Z
The global economic recovery is proceeding broadly in line with the Bank's projection in its
) j- B# r3 M) VJanuary Monetary Policy Report (MPR), although risks remain elevated. U.S. activity is) N( Y) G8 c5 {" F* {1 i1 V- Q
solidifying and remains supported by stimulative fiscal and monetary policies. Ongoing
$ }- ~- q2 B: R$ u1 J' Fchallenges associated with sovereign and bank balance sheets will limit the pace of the European
" W, z( j: u* r% h7 r5 ~recovery and are a significant source of uncertainty to the global outlook. Robust demand from
3 H) |' K8 y( {9 s" D9 C2 l1 p: @emerging-market economies is driving the underlying strength in commodity prices, which could
' W8 Y _( g8 a$ O" nbe further reinforced temporarily by supply shocks arising from recent geopolitical events. `$ W% A( k' u. a( ?2 f8 }7 I
2 X5 s J8 i% p1 A7 aThe recovery in Canada is proceeding slightly faster than expected, and there is more evidence of
# v @& f0 b2 J! m8 Cthe anticipated rebalancing of demand. While consumption growth remains strong, there are
- E& o* s, \1 T& G' r; f0 q; `% [signs that household spending is moving more in line with the growth in household incomes.
6 O: d8 u9 @5 h4 S$ M! {* i9 r- O: PBusiness investment continues to expand rapidly as companies take advantage of stimulative: T& @" q! l9 y+ h9 p0 t' Q2 H
financial conditions and respond to competitive imperatives. There is early evidence of a9 W J$ Z6 F7 D/ l
recovery in net exports, supported by stronger U.S. activity and global demand for commodities.+ C3 k, [$ k, |% b0 Q. R
However, the export sector continues to face considerable challenges from the cumulative effects9 _1 T, `, s9 h1 `# j6 e
of the persistent strength in the Canadian dollar and Canada's poor relative productivity
% q! y7 B- [% }$ f0 sperformance.! K. {* H3 Z# n# z8 U, G8 _# |* j, x' d
5 j/ g4 b; h3 j% k
While global inflationary pressures are rising, inflation in Canada has been consistent with the! Y4 N2 q8 f3 I* Y! m* b
Bank's expectations. Underlying pressures affecting prices remain subdued, reflecting the: N2 z% h, S9 N: `: o- Z0 j# Y
considerable slack in the economy.
! a5 Y m) k8 f: }$ H+ I9 A u& e! ?& N5 H6 C: ~4 d9 y) Q% a# f
Reflecting all of these factors, the Bank has decided to maintain the target for the overnight rate
* c2 G2 e- I* L% F& E! Sat 1 per cent. This leaves considerable monetary stimulus in place, consistent with achieving the
2 N. E1 C. h, a2 U2 per cent inflation target in an environment of significant excess supply in Canada. Any further
& v3 K0 A+ ~/ N/ ~- l: \reduction in monetary policy stimulus would need to be carefully considered.
8 m% Z; F% T& l: |% P, Q" [+ `Information note:) S Y" c' M. J
, H& S F9 v; KThe next scheduled date for announcing the overnight rate target is 12 April 2011. |