新房为什么要验房,一年内发现任何问题都有人来修,随叫随到,等快到一年满时愿意花钱找人验房也可以。0 ?3 k& A) J+ a% W$ F1 F
好梦成真 发表于 2011-3-3 10:11
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•Always, always, always get a home inspection when you buy. And hire a licensed and accredited individual to perform the inspection -- not your dad or your buddy contractor, get a real inspector. Be there for the inspection and ask questions because a new home can contain defects. The HVAC system might be too small or the plumbing could be installed backwards. Construction workers make mistakes. (And let's not even talk about the mustard-stained McDonald's wrappers stuffed in wall cavities.)# C+ k9 E5 ~( v, K4 Z
•If the inspector calls for further inspection by another professional contractor, find out if the inspector is telling you there could be a serious issue or if the inspector isn't licensed to address that issue.