一层的single house,一般再扩建点面积应该问题不大,程序呢?听证会之类的,有知道的吗? ! i' q, Q# m9 X6 D' B5 @一层的我把总分面积造成两层行不行呢,地基应该没问题的吧,毕竟整个木头的房子是坐在水泥浇出来的basement上的。7 l8 A. J( ~1 `, Q% H' u
明白人给支个招?5 k9 y( t s0 l( Y( d
Had the same idea to add a half story (~700ft^2) on my 4-level split. Talked to 2 contractors with both quote over $300K. Not worth it. Brand new construction would only cost <$500K. Good luck.