I have accounting diploma, you are interested, please call me 780-479-6953.+ i2 }0 i" R2 q' j9 |; w2 H, W
chuckie 发表于 2011-1-5 13:03
/ M7 H3 ^) `4 J5 g/ Z- }Hi, there, LZ is doing Chinese a favour, sharing the hiring information, if u r interested in the position, submit your resume to the HR.% Z/ M" \5 m, G8 }! {
I don't think him/her is the HR person.
Hi, there, LZ is doing Chinese a favour, sharing the hiring information, if u r interested in the position, submit your resume to the HR.! a6 i; c, R( O+ X9 ?$ d9 g7 r/ Q; D
I don't think him/her is the HR person.6 Q; x8 L( J' g2 z- B6 m, R
永远的末班车 发表于 2011-1-6 09:59