鲜花( 47)  鸡蛋( 0)
Oil Patch Is Hiring!
( M; G0 Y2 R! `) ^5 T. E5 V Needed ASAP!
, t4 c# B* e/ X( I; I4 K8 |: Z3 f* Y7 N- ^4 t' Z
Floor Hands, Drillers, Derrick Hands # a, Q/ Y+ {" [7 b$ s1 Y
9 m! b* F5 R! q3 y1 T$ \) pCompany: Savanna Energy Services Corp.
9 a0 w7 A& y5 ?. @! Z
, n+ `8 E- q' z; z# ?4 g3 l. k% g$ fJob Site: Western Canada
% c/ @! K$ r9 W" D. n0 D3 \* |* n6 L* B6 R3 {
Full/Part Time: Full time - Out of Town
& S7 s+ s, U$ y6 m' T V8 F( s5 q; M+ T. `
Wage: Experience/Skill Sets/ Duties
- H& m: ?3 Z) r* J! ~2 k
! k8 X/ y9 l1 N* q% A) l) WJob Duties: The job requires a strong work ethic and an ability to work long hours. A mechanical ability is very helpful and a desire to learn new skills.
; i4 N! Y: X* E7 G+ q$ UEducation/Experience: Safety Tickets such as H2S, First Aid, and a valid drivers license. Experience is an asset, but the right person can be trained! For more information look on their website at www.savannaenergy.com
8 `# m: s" u- m& i3 [+ A/ B6 @( X. U( Q. T2 `; c( w2 M! R( T4 ]
2 V3 T" w" a* _: [. k5 }How to Apply: Please send your resume to Camille Nieva – Field Recruiter at cnieva@savannaenergy.com
: X1 ^6 z/ [- k$ qPlease Keep Posted as the demand is very high for employees!! |