鲜花( 19)  鸡蛋( 0)
We have the same builder.
, h3 ~# D* H2 i5 ]Last time I asked the builder的律师, they told me they will holdback $$$$ for seasonal holdback. ( h, u# a3 M4 _. ?) X
如果接房有什么后遗症, just call builder for emergency. If it is not emergency, they will ask you to write it down on a form and they will schedule a time and come to check your house problem ( normally it is 3 month after).
8 a6 {# h, {7 Y* V9 y4 G4 R7 Q$ RI took the position in summer without 外面的油漆 and drive way 完成. Now it is down before last month. |