The exchange rate of Canadian dollar to US dollar could be going up because of oil price. If you want to know the future rate concerning about Canadian dollar, you should pay more attention to oil price. I think the extreme ratecould be one Canadian dollar for one US dollar; If the rate go beyond the limit, Canadian economy will lose ecnomic competitive abilities.That is, Canadian dollar will go down at that time. Metioned above is my private opinion; and only a : T9 P" o# R" W& Creference.
$ j9 Y5 X6 Y- Q, ? B4 W, }4 d% D1 i, B9 p真的很难说,美元长期偏离均衡,现在才慢慢回到它的价值。' y3 a) f% k3 z: R$ y# r# [% R
- c. ?0 \1 v1 U7 x x看近10年美元人民币都是跌的,94年黑市黄牛美元人民币到1:11,这些年一直都在降。。。是否加元长期会跌,难说,还要看美国会不会有推动生产力的科技新发现或能源开发,变数很多。加元长期升值,影响对美贸易,进而影响经济,但我想主要会影响就业,汇率不会受太大影响。关键是美元大概就不值那么多。