鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
$ u' P/ v8 M$ V$ e
9 E- @6 N- C1 b$ ~0 J( `% s5 @it's my pleasure to share what i know with us in bbs.5 |! E- F0 z3 x! s+ R, G8 _
i've already sent my early-arrival form and will live in lister center from$ A, I. D' ?% I0 N
sep.1st until the move-in date.
& d* a" n! T' x# @now that you can't apply for early-arrival,maybe you should log on 5 O+ T1 ~* o5 b [+ D
the website given by youthheart, which is also very useful.- o/ J* d# H3 r- b% p' c3 @
" }. y& ~- ]; X! j- }9 Y5 c" H
i will add you in msn, my msn passport is chemicalyoung@hotmail.com.% s; Q7 v$ t7 }4 P' X. s5 m
keep in contact. |