Thank you for your kind replies. The housing officer said I am not an international student ( a permanent residence) and I was not eligible to register as an international student. How about you, 江南西来? Keep in touch.
bluedream, / {5 N M0 _+ {/ ]; _ U ; s* k" H% C( |+ z3 I; w s% Pit's my pleasure to share what i know with us in bbs.' E/ ^1 e+ I' L( X
i've already sent my early-arrival form and will live in lister center from ( Q) s# i! O% q* X+ @4 m3 psep.1st until the move-in date. ) v$ K- c* T3 }- j Mnow that you can't apply for early-arrival,maybe you should log on + R n E4 |- g( Y" W" K% @/ i
the website given by youthheart, which is also very useful. ( U! F6 a. `3 @# h: O5 J9 G# P3 k3 D _) _; f
i will add you in msn, my msn passport is $ [1 ~2 i$ a0 o8 ukeep in contact.