鲜花( 47)  鸡蛋( 0)
Lac La Biche County is hiring for the full-time position of Manager, Human Resources. The ) q0 n: r+ w8 X$ b% M5 h
Manager of Human Resources is responsible for providing assistance to all staff and manage-
- O' S2 {/ S; ~; b: Qment as it pertains to payroll, benefits, recruitment process, morale, and conflict resolution.0 N8 l$ v% m0 O" l: U
The duties and responsibilities of the position include but are not limited to the following:
% o9 ~* k! Y" b7 r p7 P8 `Ÿ Assist Directors and management staff in the recruitment and selection of personnel into $ {5 a; |8 r$ t- e; [, ^
the organization;4 p9 B% a1 F0 w% x, T, X
Ÿ Primarily responsible for all payroll administration;/ F X/ K( e, N S' J- ^
Ÿ Assist management staff in the interview process by providing guidance and technical
$ z/ n2 B% r6 f: }% t/ k3 Vsupport;
+ X/ c" C- L, B2 }Ÿ Promoting the County to employees using programs designed to increase morale, and
+ ^2 A4 l$ \3 ` i- G/ timplementing staff wellness programs;1 P% S+ t8 I( s- L/ I9 `
Ÿ Responsible to oversee equitable and fair termination processes of County employees;8 B* C+ _8 k9 V8 ~2 c6 E) V, y
Ÿ Administer, process, and maintain company Group Benefits/Pension plans for personnel;' N& t) n% r! [
Ÿ Prepare budget for personnel operations and follow through with County Sustainability Plan;) K! @& Q3 B' Y$ y; c+ W
Ÿ Other duties as required.% q# E+ T( d$ @7 O: M" O" |, |- G: F
. @. R" u+ a/ f, b, b# wŸ Post secondary education in human resource management, or a combination of equivalent , E6 z3 q& l% P7 K; s8 M9 h
education and experience; H: k- v' A- I1 E+ ]6 K
Ÿ A minimum 3 to 5 years experience in human resource management;2 k4 \6 i3 @* M9 n4 E' F: [
Ÿ Must be very personable and approachable to staff;7 \& u: P `# y% m
Ÿ Must possess excellent conflict resolution skills and effective communication skills, both 1 } D* l b1 h
verbal and written.
' }( K1 d! L' }# _' n) CLac La Biche County offers a comprehensive health and dental benefits package. Salary Range
1 [6 J! C) ?/ G" j# t7 \, o$71,690.77 - $88,789.06. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications.
+ ~8 t- j* b0 B( HIn accordance with Lac La Biche County's Human Resources Management Policy, the
6 h i; V( o0 }* y1 Psuccessful candidate will be required to provide a criminal records check with vulnerable sector,
0 y/ U& N7 O1 ~* K: X9 Sdriver's abstract, and medical assessment. Candidates will be advised of this requirement at the ; n0 q/ U% w+ O; L4 y" L
time of interview.
2 @! p4 z: o, X, \4 s: D7 FApplications will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. Friday September 24, 2010.# s( d) ^+ u# ?% b& g6 `
Interested candidates are invited to forward their resumes in strict confidence to:
. M% K( r( k( Z: J* HLac La Biche County
' b- m* z4 ^$ C; e. _# GP.O. Box 16792 L: V" i/ P( {! k5 l
Lac La Biche AB T0A 2C0
4 T: t) I0 r5 Z" k( NPhone Rodney Boyko at 780.623.6804! S. E9 \4 u# l# y) t' v& }% W
Fax (780) 623-2039+ N2 D1 x8 X2 B
Email: rodney.boyko@laclabichecounty.com |