Don't drive car at NY. It's going to be nuts. Even local people take public transit as much as they can. If you drive, you would be confused and may get tickets. Last time, I was there even the Taxi Driver hate the trafic.
楼上说的对,要想玩儿好,还是找一个交通方便的旅馆比较好。 w6 h. X4 ^- Y7 ]+ J! u, o
我发现一个有趣的事儿,供要去纽约的朋友参考:一个3.5星级宾馆,如果住5晚,要超过2000刀- 纽约贵呦! 1 ?# c" v. a: L" h9 Z j如果订机票和旅馆,(同一个旅馆),1400刀。