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[UA] 有谁在UA上过和了解business Co-operative Education Program的同学请进

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-21 20:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
各位学长们,2 S+ v1 n, ~  \, L. G% a6 P/ z
你们好,小妹有机遇上这个Co-op,略知一二。但是仍有几个问题想问有经验的学长们。; E( v) N4 A& q. h2 ]2 G4 j
; i! k/ q. D& F0 `5 g5 y- y, D! M
1.申请September entry好还是 January entry好,对学习有什么影响么?- I, d* a: l; E* B4 P; {
2.关于Co-op Letter of Intent应该注重哪些细节才能被看好: M0 n7 J3 \; w
3.读专业课有多少能在coop过程中用得上,如果做的不perfect会不会被轻易辞掉了也就是fail了) V9 J1 @+ c) E. H, z0 O
! A0 f& ?7 C' G( e5.关于Independent research on Cooperative Education and have a good understanding of the program 有些不明白,我是该写research paper面试当天带去还是只需要自己understand就可以了) ~  n0 \. X1 n+ y% f# f: j" O
( X# z  o* z/ n3 w/ F, E' ~& {% w* \% s4 B$ q0 o
鲜花(9) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-22 16:19 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.business.ualberta.ca/ ... ectiveStudents.aspx
7 _" p* ?, m% l# s; A9 u( O3 v/ t: m+ G% a' K2 j% ~
- l" H+ k9 v6 H& ?" B0 ?
/ ~9 Z' v0 L+ i
We would be happy to answer any of your questions and to discuss whether Co-op is right for you. Drop by our offices at Bus 2-21, call us at 780-492-2320, or email your questions to bizcareers@ualberta.ca& H* Q; A: K" n3 w; v8 K' c
9 v8 w' k- o8 G% k2 w8 `
' t4 U# m% k! R6 R1 R* ^5 F: o) V& m

- ~- K3 G2 t  ~, a$ m4 W+ F: b& @: M# `
/ |0 {2 w# R. y8 J! o  @

: z4 H' ?* i. _* S4 TDont know why you would prefer an unofficial answer from here.......... well, they reply emails within 24hr and here you got no reply for a day.... cant understand...
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-22 17:13 | 显示全部楼层
. L* y7 p- X, b- b" x0 P9 O, a9 {7 b1 [  u4 D: \

3 L' u. m/ z8 x$ v 这网页上的东西我都看过了,但是没有我需要问明白的,advisor说的非常general跟网上的大同小异,我需要经验丰富的人来帮我介绍他/她走过来的经验,那样我的准备工作会少很多麻烦.{:3_98:}
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-24 10:59 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
本帖最后由 Bluo 于 2010-7-24 12:00 编辑 # e. I8 ~% w' l( f0 J- V

  J0 v% V8 N5 C, r0 l$ t1: if u r in acctg, go for sep entry, that's when most acctg jobs posted....same goes for fin jobs.& B2 u( V/ Z$ s" @) b6 w  S5 \7 G( ^5 q
2: focus on y u wanna go for co-op, wat's ur future career plan is and how u plan to get to ur goal.
& }- Y9 @; `- M! ]+ s) F3: that depends. Again, if u r in acctg, u should have at least 3.0 for ur GPA. Cuz even if u r lucky, the coop office let u in, if u have less than 3.0, it would be extremely hard for u to get a job later.3 T5 @1 G! y6 C! r# O4 ?' B" M; d  B
4: In the interview, u should make it sound u r really really determined to do the program, u know exactly wat u want from this program and u R goin to finish it without any problems.
  \5 b: U0 o2 a0 g) {5: the research is for urself, u just have to know how the program works (i.e. u need to know the schedule of the program, how the program fits ur undergrad schedule and how u gonna finish the program).3 [  Z* e6 t6 s9 S2 f
6: that;s based on individual case, i am not sure if u can still apply. normally, no.
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-24 12:36 | 显示全部楼层
1: if u r in acctg, go for sep entry, that's when most acctg jobs posted....same goes for fin jobs.  i  X0 x4 x. H6 ^* H# R9 B1 R
2: focus on y u wanna go for co-op, wat's ur future career plan is and how u plan to get to ur goal ..." w& }: j" L* [. I
Bluo 发表于 2010-7-24 11:59
- ~, L7 L% d' m% Z1 B( u
第1条正是我想要的答案.非常感谢高人指点,其他的已搞定,我现在在准备interview. 我一定会谨记第4条的.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-24 21:03 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Bluo 于 2010-7-24 22:16 编辑
( U# }0 G' d& B2 c1 \/ A+ K
  A+ |) \5 |2 @, Y& qoh.....i just read ur PM.....so u r in acctg....hmmm.....then in the interview....u BETTER know EVERYTHING abt the designation u wanna go for....(i.e. if u go for CA, then u need to know inside out abt CASB or MPAcc..)......they WILL for sure, ask you  wat u kno abt CA....so..go to alberta CA institutes website and read .....if u have anymore questions..find me on xiaonei......hhaha..
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-24 22:10 | 显示全部楼层
oh.....i just read ur PM.....so u r in acctg....hmmm.....then in the interview....u BETTER know EVERYTHING abt the designation u wanna go for....(i.e. if u go for CA, then u need to know inside out ab ...
* z0 q& l5 K7 w/ j- ZBluo 发表于 2010-7-24 22:03
0 ]# g* ?1 D1 U' E4 e' `- K
都被你猜中了,太帅了..我look for CA firm. 什么是CASB和MPACC,我略read了institution,可不知道interview问我什么. 还需指教,我没校内,能不能给我留个MSN或QQ,非常感谢呀!!!!{:3_105:}
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-25 08:11 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Bluo 于 2010-7-25 09:13 编辑 0 a4 j5 e# e' A- m3 _5 H5 C/ D

- s9 y. ~: v( Z5 F4 N: iI am barely on msn ...and never use QQ....hahhaa..sorrie.....i can only type that much info here. you need to do ur own research (i.e. google would be a great place to start...)% I( A9 m; c; i! d5 J/ k
CASB: CA school of business, it has 6 modules, u need to finish 12 pre-req courses at UofA (u can find the course list on CA insititutes website), after u done ur 12 pre-req courses, u can apply for mod 1. But u WILL need to be employed to go onto mod 2..........after u finish all 6 modules, in that year, u will write ur UFE (uniform evaluation exams, the final exam for CA). Coupled with CASB, u WILL need 36 months of working experience rite now in order to be chartered.% j0 G% C% _' J' r8 K$ |& ]
MPAcc: Master of Professional Accountancy, offered by USask, I am doing MPAcc myself, and this is a master degree that will allow u to skip Mod 1 - Mod 5. and this program spreads into 2 summer, in total of 8 months. So i work for 8 months with my firm in year 1 then i will go to MPAcc from may till the end of aug. Same goes for the sec yr. At the end of my sec yr program, I will be writing UFE with ppl from CASB.# R- _$ @" W4 f
# i. `* D( i4 k& E- w& `
Basically those 2 are the same thing, but u get a master degree with MPAcc.....
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-25 10:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 raining 于 2010-7-25 11:32 编辑 & w. z0 D& o& V( _
I am barely on msn ...and never use QQ....hahhaa..sorrie.....i can only type that much info here. you need to do ur own research (i.e. google would be a great place to start...)
8 ^+ ]; i& Y! \8 y1 vCASB: CA school of bu ...' d: Y6 [; m9 M* u
Bluo 发表于 2010-7-25 09:11

) E0 n/ ^* l/ U, z2 J4 xI searched on the CA web, the Step 1: Start with a degree,Step 2: Obtain Employment in a CA Training Office,Step 3: Learn through CASB。。。I have a question here, for the step 1, since i m not finishing my degree, how i can be admitted by CA firm during my co-op program. For second step that u didnt mention this training office, is this the one(same as coop?) that i can apply for in the sep entry? If so,its allowed to do the step 1 and step 2 together? for the third step, it requires the 12 pre courses in u of a, but few courses are not my required course for my undergraduate ie.SMO 404,406 and couple of accountings.. i  can get my undergruade degree without these course but 120 credit. do i have to study these courses with "no credit" in u of a after i obtain a degree? ! S- y# Y# |' q( O0 g

6 R4 P+ Z. ]. H$ X5 i' bWhen I interview with CA firm for my co-op, should i tell them about my plan to be a CA in the future and tell them my pre-courses are not finished?
; ]7 D% ?% a$ k1 }
- ^  Y$ i, \* H7 ^5 [; WMPAcc is too far away from me right now, since i may not take master after my graduation." W8 D( _1 O# Q9 R; c

# R7 I( E# g* \, B7 Rby the way, do u have an email so that i can contact? its too inconvenient to find u right now. I always have lots lots of quetions to ask. lol...
/ z8 L6 A8 b: c! G6 y2 q5 t2 S) k5 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-25 12:03 | 显示全部楼层
LOL......man...i dont wanna answer all ur questions here...that's gonna take too long..hahhaha....give me ur msn...i will add u up......hahaa..
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-25 12:51 | 显示全部楼层
yea i know, i dont wanna ask too many questions here too, lol. check ur PM pls
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