Due to the last week heavy rain, there was a lot water in the main floor (in framing, roof and windows are on now) and after one week it still was not totally dry, some floor like below ..... When I talk to the builder they told me it is normal but I don't think so. Does anyone have idea on what I should to do? Thanks in advice. 0 j# m' \( v% c9 l: o J$ M! s2 s* c
can't attach the picture (too big? 2.4MB)
本帖最后由 孟良焦赞 于 2010-7-20 23:22 编辑 7 ]; w# F' x, p! g# U& r" l7 I; y1 ?0 e/ y
i think it is normal, because the subfloor will be instaled on its top on the future. I guess.
Thanks for everyone. Now I can attach the pictures. / w2 C7 |0 W* X; Y( e# `3 i( { This is the house looks like from outside. Above pictures are from inside. Any advices? 4 y8 L/ O) k# B+ O/ @
The photos hardly showed the details, it looks like only the edges of the OSB sheet was damaged as a result of physical impact during handling. If not the whole sheet swelled (caused by having been submersed in water for a prolonged period of time) it should be fine. If LZ's worries didn't go away, you may wanna ask the builder if it will agree to put another layer of OSB sheets on top (the subflooor will then be double in thickness) at the homeowner's expenses.