你可以选择水,电,气三种形式的地热系统。对于电系统,费用大致是500~1000加元每100SF。对于水的地热系统,大约是600~800加元每100SF。另外,一个额外的机械通风系统和一个水的过滤阀门需要安装。气的系统很少用。 0 Y1 G, F' M; C3 ~ A加热管线可预埋地下室的混凝土里,也可以加在混凝土上或主层和二层的Plywood上。安装上对建房来说是额外的费用。每年一次的维护工作也是必不可少的。
Is someone who knows very well "in-floor heating system" willing to share detailed information here, please? Thanks. 5 K3 s! j# G8 k4 w9 c1 k- ~animallover 发表于 2010-7-19 20:54
10#今天闲着 - N3 k; D) i" w$ Y/ U7 k# \) o3 T: F0 y; C2 Z
You're so mean! Everybody knows Google. But not everyone is willing to answer the question in a forum. R: ], }, p2 z
If you're a nice person, you should thank the people who contributed his time to answer the question in the Forum.
! A- |" e+ f4 n x* j% U% sAppericated for your reply. Do I need to hire trades man to make the connection between boiler and PEX pipe? Is there any accessory equipment between that except heat pump?