June 2010 埃德蒙顿的独立屋价格,均价达到$391,497 + M% p# Z- W' D* L, chttp://www.edmontonchina.cn/view ... &extra=page%3D3 ; S: p# `- \. `. i7 c. l( A6 Y5 x( O1 z* j" j$ u4 x, b
% r8 J/ {' F/ I( C: k; q
July 16 2010: (Data from http://edmontonrealestateblog.co ... e-july-16-2010.html) ) H0 O/ y3 v: ]- H5 j/ B ( m: T9 V- M$ g5 t5 |( rThe REALTORS® Association of Edmonton is reporting 665 sales so far this month (below average). The average residential sale price sits at $332k, single family homes at $370k (both down quite a bit from last month)