朋友和我都在建新房, 发现BLUE PRINT 的面积比BUILDER MODEL 的面积小很多, 近80SQF. 在兰图上有注明: SQUARE FOOTAGE IS BASED ON FLOOR AREA; 而在MODEL 图纸上有一行非常小的字(一般人很难注意到): SQUARE FOOTAGE INCLUDES THE STAIRWELLS. 他们当时在与BUILDER谈论价格时都是以大面积来给的. 2 x9 D. n) \; W1 V
3#ceramistpalace. d1 E6 C, K* K+ |2 A1 Z
5 t9 U; f6 G- n7 E9 J0 L
; A# m4 V' `! rThank you for your reply . I know there are some people like me meeting the same question. Now I need to know which number the City of Edmonton using for the property assessment. If one day I sell my house, I will write the MODEL SIZE(because I paid this money to the builder), but the city uses the net area (not includeing the stairwells). The buyer could say that I am a liar???