可惜,LZ出发早了点。我们计划8月10号左右从爱城到多伦多。8 ~5 q* N Q# E3 F2 V/ O, U
sindowa 发表于 2010-7-10 18:02
7 Q' `- |& b" J/ h& ?2 f/ d / g& C3 l0 E+ z- p& PWe may start round August 10. it depends on... two weeks later, we will contact to figure out the departure date.
想同行,有兴趣加入,my depart date was planned on aug 9,我只同去,不同回 ) d3 p. Z0 C, C4 y/ `' L就好let me know ur confirm details by next week. thx" L4 }; X/ c( j candrew21@hotmail.com
想同行,有兴趣加入,my depart date was planned on aug 9,我只同去,不同回! p5 i; ]4 w: o/ F9 w6 X4 V; O9 j
就好let me know ur confirm details by next week. thx) a( b* i3 h3 Y candrew21@hotmail.com ' u4 U9 o- a, x: kGSXRk8 发表于 2010-7-13 23:33
l7 w# {9 C7 |) F: l
" f4 M4 L9 C/ S- x' C