别忘了,现在是加拿大历史上最低利率的时候。加上今年底,石油价格会上升到90美元一桶。明年油价可能会达到100~110. 在这样的背景之下,房价该如何走,大家应该清楚了。当然我知道目前房价仍在徘徊之中,让我们拭目 ... 9 Y/ R! o' i. ^, k8 K! M$ Qlijiayuanzhi 发表于 2010-6-18 19:04
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加上今年底,石油价格会上升到90美元一桶。明年油价可能会达到100~110??????? 4 y; P8 t1 P& o0 E+ w2 A9 ?, B6 ?/ C& N: Q- a+ A& e5 _
One of the biggest bullshit. In the early of the year 2008, the Wall Street economist said the oil would be $200/brl by the end of the year. So what happened late.