鲜花( 24)  鸡蛋( 0)

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发表于 2010-6-15 18:52
本帖最后由 羽衣甘蓝 于 2010-6-15 20:18 编辑 w5 |$ v$ ~8 b% T% v
9 N2 K- e+ Y! R9 b7 D/ z
宿营地:; G% Q: N4 ?% q
5 t5 L, h( L6 Fhttp://www.pccamping.ca/parkscanada/en/park.cgi?sid=6854981910528480262413415249873815494712&p=112 [, i5 v6 h( ? G2 j% `
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% H$ d( _$ u6 d3 g C- T2 d- E9 W
+ A4 s0 S/ S/ M- ?: { uWaterton Lakes National Park of Canada0 a3 d; w8 ^ |
Camping4 B8 ?( q& D5 p- R
Our campgrounds are in a very special place, a national park, conserved as much as possible in a natural state. Enjoy this unique experience and help us maintain it for our children and grandchildren.
- |' }0 G4 R- I3 i6 d) N! }' G) S$ I; D* C# B3 t* W, n6 y) n
/ S* @+ j1 Y! h9 o; y/ c. QLike to try new things? Interested in a different camping experience?
* F) W }7 C1 t4 q+ o' [( uWaterton Lakes National Park will have 4 traditional tipis set up in Crandell Campground this summer. Contact the park (403-859-5133 or e-mail waterton.info@pc.gc.ca) for more information or to reserve your stay in one of these new tipis.
$ t! Z" [* i- f' g T, L$ R$ v
# k1 L3 ~! @3 ^9 C! g TGeneral Information" W) f+ o. ]0 f7 Q; _8 N! u
Parks Canada operates four campgrounds in Waterton Lakes National Park.% a/ S- a9 ]% y8 G/ r
Townsite Campground: mid-April to mid-October. " e9 ?+ }& p; t& ?
( Fees & Reservations )
4 N6 y% q- m; }$ G: ~All campsites in Townsite Campground are on the Parks Canada Reservation system. Located at the south end of the Waterton townsite, this campground offers 238 sites (95 of which are fully serviced), hot showers, flush toilets, food storage and kitchen shelters. There are no individual firepits. This open, mowed lawn campground, exposed to winds from Upper Waterton Lake, is an excellent place for RV's or for those who wish to be within walking distance of town amenities. Reservations are advisable if you plan to travel on a long weekend, or if you require a serviced site. Mule deer, bighorn sheep a ground squirrels are commonly seen in the campground.1 Z, Q: d& O3 P! Y) l4 c0 `# Y+ f
- U* x2 N+ O C1 C0 t; RCrandell Campground: mid-May to Labour Day ( Fees ) (Campsites are available only on a first-come first-serve basis.)5 b5 k+ ^0 c6 ?; e8 [
Located along the Red Rock Parkway in the scenic Blakiston Valley, this campground is set in a pleasant montane forest. It offers 129 unserviced sites, flush toilets, piped water, kitchen shelters, some fire rings and firewood, food storage, recycling bins, and a dump station. All sites are back-in, and loops may be tight. We recommend that only camping units shorter than 9.5 meters/30 ft use this campground. Crandell Mountain offers some shelter from our predominantly southwest winds, and Crandell Lake is a short 2 km hike from the campground. Mule deer and black bears commonly wander through the campground so our Bare Campsite Program is an important part of the management of the area. Additionally, recent efforts to plant native vegetation are restoring some damaged areas.* n$ y( A3 t1 \, [4 P7 g1 @
( k, }3 \" c* {3 f& n: C0 s" bBelly River Campground: mid-May to mid-Sept. Primitive ( Fees & Reservations ) (Campsites are available only on a first-come first-serve basis.)
) D c2 w, I/ q* d7 Q; ELocated along the Chief Mountain Highway 26 km from Waterton townsite, this self-registration campground offers 24 unserviced sites flush and dry privies, food storage, kitchen shelters, fire rings and fire wood. Bring your own drinking and cooking water, as no potable water is available at this campground. A pleasant area of mixed aspen forest, this primitive campground lies right beside the Belly River, and is favoured by those campers wanting a more secluded experience. Foxes, bear and deer are common through the area. A Campground Host Programme operates in this campground.( o6 F) ]0 l- G9 K1 y% |
) ^. i5 l, D1 j9 m
Belly River Group Campground - open mid-May to mid-Sept. ( Fees )& h5 z- f2 S( Z a t
Group camping is available by reservation only at Belly River Campground for groups with a minimum of 25 people. Please call (403) 859-2224 for more information or reservations.
% Q) ?0 c) J4 ~# U- h7 u7 A) R8 W* p3 d( ^
Busy SeasonDemand is heaviest from June through September, with July and August being the busiest. As all sites in Townsite Campground are on the Parks Canada Reservation System, serviced (hook-up) sites are well-booked. To ensure you have a site in Townsite Campground, you may wish to use the Parks Canada reservation system. Availability of other sites may also be limited at certain times during the season, particularly on long weekends.2 Z1 Z! {6 _6 ?. e, n8 y$ p/ F
) ?$ f& t% [6 k* v" v
Check out
. E2 M+ `# L I2 cCheckout time varies between 11 a.m. and noon in our three campgrounds. Please check with the attendant or the signs at the kiosk.
' D1 N; I/ ?" c; `& {, D& ^3 E& D6 I- O7 F1 J7 s
Permits/ a, C. B1 ?/ G. ~/ ^0 d1 _
Campers must purchase a camping permit (at the campground kiosk or self-register) prior to setting up camp. q2 z) E/ O) G6 d: b
3 K% T! ?. X/ s8 h( J8 V
" w5 F) l6 |, C$ IFires are permitted only in camp kitchens in Townsite Campground. All sites at Belly River Campground have campfire grills. Crandell Campground has sites with campfire grills and some which are designated no fires. A fire permit must be purchased at kiosks or self-registration booths at the campground.
3 A2 b- q2 D7 i1 h# e" f0 p+ o2 L- M& R9 R1 H- _3 P3 I+ H
& R+ \- e2 O. I! p" X. q: U+ {Please keep pets on a leash at all times. Don't leave them unattended outside, especially at night. They can attract carnivores such as bears, cougars, wolves, or coyotes, and may be attacked. If they must be left out, confine them in a kennel with a secure top.
, n* W: F R9 k+ J' v' M3 ], M! J% j* g
Be cautious when walking your dog. The mule deer in town may have fawns and will aggressively defend them, especially in spring. They often attack without provocation, and can seriously injure or kill a dog. If you see a deer, leave the area immediately.
! M3 X$ O6 W6 P+ g
) `8 g: O" d: sWildlife( h9 h% `, c- r* j% S
Animals rely on every part of this landscape for their survival. Their travel routes, natural food sources, mating grounds, and resting sites don't necessarily stop at the campground boundary. This means you may encounter wildlife at any time. Be aware of your surroundings, especially at dusk and dawn, or in densely vegetated areas. Read Keep the Wild in Wildlife for advice on safe viewing practices. Please immediately report all bear, cougar, or coyote sightings to park staff.9 Z0 {0 e/ ?4 I) V( g+ ?8 K
0 G& `* C% r( X8 _Campgrounds in Waterton Lakes National Park have a Bare Campsite program in place. A special effort is being made by park staff and campers to ensure that no wildlife attractants are left unattended at any sites in these campgrounds. The Bare Campsite program is in place for your safety, and to help keep the wildlife in our national parks alive and wild.
7 ?- J& u& r$ t/ V
: ]% |' O( j/ q( fAnything that has an odour or could be considered food may attract wildlife to your site. Place garbage in bins, avoid cooking inside tents and tent trailers, and store all food supplies, including coolers, in your vehicle. When people leave their food out, bears and other animals attracted to it can lose their fear of humans. Once an animal gets used to human food, it becomes a risk to public safety, and may be destroyed. By keeping a bare campsite, you're playing an important part in preventing the creation of problem animals.
2 A9 h2 k+ s7 r
& Y0 J' T1 e* N! v" JDump Stations+ M, d K$ @4 k d. I: [, c
Townsite and Crandell campgrounds offer dumping stations.: I2 c% k3 @# U2 T5 f! _) H, N
( O8 X+ O0 Q8 Z( T% I
Showers T! O+ ^( x o3 }
Showers are available at Townsite Campground only, but may be used by those registered in Crandell or Belly River Campgrounds.8 U( v8 i! q5 @$ d
]& Y- V; x! c6 x, I8 S: J4 \Disabled Access* E a5 g4 `2 t) Z$ c
There are both serviced and unserviced wheelchair accessible sites and washrooms in Townsite Campground.
, ~" ^! N9 p: t# S4 X
: B6 t# }. j' q% r. W3 X0 `& DLearning Opportunities P* {' E" s! r/ M5 W+ ~
Interpretive programs are available in Townsite and Crandell campgrounds during the summer months. These programs are free and everyone is welcome to attend.# K% b: g3 E& H
+ F* c: U: ?/ H8 ]2 i
Privately Operated campgrounds
+ J1 k4 O0 o& s# o; w# x" M& U: ^. hWaterton Springs (403-859-2247), and Crooked Creek (403-653-1100) are two privately operated campgrounds near the park., h; D0 V6 Q1 ^
) \4 m7 [) R4 N4 Q- q1 _Campground Host Program
3 }; z% i' M( V+ R
0 s: ?. M( v- o1 O: ?2 q1 W3 JPeople from around the world visit Waterton Lakes National Park to relax, experience the great outdoors and learn about our natural heritage. You can join them by volunteering as a host at one of our campgrounds.
; [4 v9 j+ A& g$ K2 _7 ^
$ q0 i9 V( I9 aCampground hosts greet visitors and provide them with information. They volunteer for 4 hours a day, 5 days a week (including week-ends). In return, hosts have free entry to the park for a year, a free campsite while they volunteer, a site tour, and many other benefits.
! v& }$ t1 ~9 X" s! ^0 X. B: m# }% @1 _
You must volunteer for a minimum of 2 weeks and provide your own self-contained camping unit (RV, truck camper, or tent trailer).
. |/ p/ w' D9 c1 }/ i# e* F! A7 ]0 J3 b& H( n9 h
For more information: contact us waterton.info@pc.gc.ca
l: d4 q0 ]/ E0 lor, call 403-859-2224.3 _+ Q+ V1 ? ^& e
( ^. r% g7 U' I3 n
Wilderness Campgrounds |